Anonymous ID: b875fc June 20, 2018, 4:13 a.m. No.1827501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Is Wray really a white hat? He really seems to be a black hat, covering for Obama's corrupt FBI.


FBI Director Wray testified: “The [DOJ IG] report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations.”


Wray and Horowitz contradicted each other during their testimony Monday as the following article so clearly lays out…


I concluded that the current talking point is emphasize "no political bias" affected the HRC email investigation decisions because the bad actors do not have a political motive…it is more sinister than that. The bad actors are part of a corrupt organization and since when do we say mob bosses are politically biased or motivated? WE DON'T.


It is not political bias that tainted the HRC email investigation it is a CORRUPT ORGANIZATION…RICO…AND ACTUALLY A TRANSNATIONAL CORRUPT ORGANIZATION.




Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show!!!