Anonymous ID: 4e0132 Feb. 2, 2023, 1:19 p.m. No.18271963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>18271003 FBI to Search Mike Pence’s Indiana Home For Classified Documents


Mike Pence is such a fucking tool, he did this intentionally to drag out this nonsense, and to give cover for Bidan. I'm sure he was paid by the same people that paid him to be Judas

Anonymous ID: 4e0132 Feb. 2, 2023, 1:32 p.m. No.18272037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2076

Suspicions of state security set-up in Germany’s far-right ‘coup’

Kit Klarenberg·February 2, 2023

A massive police raid foiled extremist plans to topple Germany’s government. But the timing of the plot and its absurdity raised questions about a state security role in instigating it – something seen many times in Germany’s past.

On the morning of December 7th, 2022, Germany’s security services conducted the largest police raid in their history, as 3,000 officers stormed 130 properties spanning almost the entire country, as well as Austria and Italy.

When the police sweep was over,25 individuals had been arrested for plotting to overthrow the German government. They stood accused of plotting to storm parliament, arrest lawmakers, and declare the restoration of the country’s monarchy by force, led by aristocrat Heinrich XIII Reuss.

__However, a closer examination of the police action and its timingraises serious questions about the legitimacy of the alleged coup, and whether the German security state played a role in instigating it___. If so, it would fit within the historical pattern of the government’s infiltration of extremist movements since the post-war period. In 2003, a German court was forced to abandon a case against a notorious neo-Nazi group when it determined the organization was at least partially, if not wholly, controlled by state assets.

The suspects accused of plotting to overthrow Germany’s government are part of a movement known as Reichsbürger, or Citizens of the Reich. This group is said to reject the legitimacy of the Federal Republic of Germany, and contends the country is not in fact a sovereign state, but a corporation created by the US and Britain after World War II.

#German police raid 'far-right terror group led by #PrinceHeinrich XIII' that planned to attack parliament and overthrow the government in deadly coup' The 4th Reich, be scared, be very scared! — D.N.S. (@DubaiNameShame) December 8, 2022

That’s just one striking aspect of an event so shot through with farcical elements and headline clickbait, it appears to have been custom-made to generate media frenzy. A celebrity gourmet chef recruited to “take over the canteens of the new German Reich” is among those arrested, as is a former MP of the right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). So is a Russian citizen, the girlfriend of Reuss, who reportedly contacted Moscow’s embassy in Germany to discuss a new post-coup world order.

Authorities had clearly set out to court intense news interest, inviting packs of journalists to document the raids in real-time, therefore ensuring outlets across the world were almost instantly plastered with photos of the plotters being escorted away handcuffed. In all, 125 officers were deployed for each suspect taken in for questioning – an obviously extraordinary, excessive ratio.

Given the speed with which major German news outlets such as Der Spiegel published detailed, lengthy reports on the raids, some have evensuggested certain articles were prepared in advanceof the police swoop, and that journalists and editors had been awaiting the day for some time. Eerily, in a since-deleted tweet on December 6th, ARD journalist Georg Heil fortuitously predicted, “I suspect there will be a lot of ‘exclusive’ news tomorrow.”….After frenzied media buzz, “coup” disappears from headlines

One of the mostremarkable aspects of the “coup” is how quickly it vanished from headlinesafter the initial series of raids. After a surge of minute-by-minute reporting, an event of purportedly seismic, historic significance – declared by Bloomberg columnist Andreas Kluth to represent Berlin averting the establishment of a “Fourth Reich” – has ceased to be of any interest at all to mainstream journalists, including those within Germany itself….

After such a terrifying event, in which Germany was supposedly saved from the second coming of Hitler, it seemed reasonable to expect more lurid details about the conspirators’ grand design. At the very least,some of the promised arrests of other members of the extremist cell should have materialized by now…..