Anonymous ID: 6b5339 Feb. 2, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.18271750   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We have gorrilions of weather stations predicting months ahead and all the fear and destruction of horrific weather that is simply terrifying with all the deaths resulting from it, with hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, extreme heat and here comes the big one folks, so be careful and plan ahead! But we need Fred to tell us if Spring is coming early or not and now Fred is fukken ded.

Anonymous ID: 6b5339 Feb. 2, 2023, 12:50 p.m. No.18271832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1869


That just means you looked at something that made you lose faith, but as you looked at that thing and felt bad, your heart launched a prayer and God answered it before you even launched it. So since the conditions around you seem as they are and looking at it makes you feel bad, you must do what will feel counter intuitive and ignore the conditions. Shift your focus on the fact that you launched a prayer, God knows and already answered it, and now shift your focus onto having faith. You will know you did this when you begin to feel the relief from having more optimistic thoughts and giving it all to God. From there, you will feel life flowing back to you and you will have clrity of mind and unconditional joy. The enemy is sucking your loosh, tell em to fuck off. Focus on the knowing that God is good and answers all prayer if we have faith. The best part is that you will realize you have control of your thoughts and therefore how you choose to feel regardless of what the conditions are around you, and that is POWER. Shortly after, God answers the prayer and you see you had nothing to worry about to begin with and each time you get back up and trust God after you fall, what you prayed for happens. And then you think, shit, I feel bad I doubted God. And God says, "That's ok. after a while you will see the hole before you fall in and you'll just have faith ahead of time and feel really good the whole way thru while starving the demons of your loosh. But it's ok to feed them sometimes because of the prayers you launch from it that I answer for you because I love you and you rock. Focus on me and not on the storm." Type thing. So it's like a monkey in a cage that was trained to push a button to get a reward and it depended on it and every time it pushed the button it got shocked but then the monkey realized it doesn't need to push the button that treats it like shit, it can just reach over and feed itself any time it wants to feel better. (Poor monkey but you know the thing.)

Anonymous ID: 6b5339 Feb. 2, 2023, 12:59 p.m. No.18271869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1880


Faith makes you feel happy because you know ahead of time what you prayed for will happen and you are able to feel the joy and thanksgiving ahead of time. If you don't feel the joy before it habbens, then you are not truly having faith, but are offering lip service. Faith feels good, ALWAYS. That is the uncondional love of the Lord; if not, then faith would not work. Fear to let go and fully believe blocks the prayer. The feeling of vulnerability when you let go of control and trust God all the way, is the interface that connects us to God. Fear blocks it and it is a false sense of protection. Fear to trust and believe with all your heart will block the prayer. Life is supposed to feel GOOD. Faith ALWAYS feels good. But it's ok to feel bad because you launch prayers that God answers and then you know and then you get happy again for no reason, just because you know God is good and will answer and then you bask in the joy of the Lord whilst ridin thru hell.

Anonymous ID: 6b5339 Feb. 2, 2023, 1:04 p.m. No.18271891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1912 >>1928

The entire medical system is luciferian and Jesus healed thru faith in God and would tell people it was their faith that made them well. We walk by faith and not by sight and nothing changed since then.

Anonymous ID: 6b5339 Feb. 2, 2023, 1:12 p.m. No.18271928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1937


My fren experienced spontaneous healing of stage 4 cancer vis faith alone. I've mentioned it here before. I was the one who talked on the phone with her at night bc she was scared to fall asleep and croak in her sleep and have her little ones find her dead in the morning. I was the one she told when the doctors told her it was completely gone and it reversed all the damage in her body and left no trace. The doctors told her it was as if she never even had it. She didn't change her diet or anything. The pressure of not wanting to leave the 3 & 5 year old alone made her have absolute faith without any room for doubt.