>only in a science fiction wasteland of psyoperational
from the outside of u-s-a goldfishbowl the "enemy" of freedom globally is the MIC aka the u-s-a.
The problem is those in the u-s-a have been brainwashed to believe they are the example for rest of world to follow.
u-s-a is a country with 31+Trillion on the bankcard, yet want to export this way of life to the rest of world.
From the outside looking in, the u-s-a has a "dictator" (thinks EO's), run by a corporation out of the 51st (wash dc) state.
yet the "brownshirts" living in u-s-a can't see it. It is simply rince & repeat exported from ww2.
yep, the u-s-a is the 4th riech (yet again run by jews/joos/zionists). it's just another go-around.
If only u-s-a would wake up.
as far as GOD goes, that is RA the sun god.
dismissed by thinking people years ago.
the "bible" is just a book written by men, to contriol a few men (who could read it) who controlled 50% (2nd 50% controlled by first 50%)
It is all a hoax.
PLEASE wake up