Q team: EYES ON
While everyone is shits and giggles about this Chinese spy balloon, no one is really thinking of the threat that it poses. Why would certain players allow this thing to go about it's business as if it is not a big deal? To me it is obvious that they needed a channel that could escape the prying eyes of US surveillance and transmit sensitive data back to China and Xi Xi ping. Encrypted data could be transmitted directly to the satellite slowly as the balloon moves slowly to avoid detection and could use a different protocol packets other than tcp/ip, if there was a matching system below to the one above. They could do any of the following:
give out launch codes
replace ciphers and keys
change the geo-location software for targeting
put in back doors
make them detonate on launch
the list goes on and on. If anyone is worried about safety below then send some F35 that can hover and tow that thing with cables that can be untethered/tethered to a US military base for dissecting. They could be planning on WW3.
You can only make this mistake once.