Anonymous ID: 0c7718 June 20, 2018, 6:33 a.m. No.1828227   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Previous bread)











It's a definite, in my planning sheet, for 11/11. IMO it will be a celebration of tremendous success and a marker into a new world, A "New Court" as they say. But not the one prepared for us by those who hate life and who hate us.

I deeply believe this world was meant to be a place of beauty, love; a paradise; And that faith has kept me on my track.The faith in that perfection and that it needed to be manifested externally - had been my goal - what I aimed at though apparently unrealistically, and my guide; compass, orientation.

I have a hunch all will go well and the plan and celebration will unfold as envisioned. Even if it does not, it won't change the truth. The truth will remain, no matter what kind of tantrum the bad guys act out.


That being said y'all, there is an old saying from the old world, from the ancient world:

~"Much is lost between the cup and the lip"

It refers to an ancient battle wherein victory seemed assured. The warrior had predicted the celebration toast. He brought the cup up to his mouth - and something else intervened. He set it down, was called away by contingency. And his prediction, which he thought sure to be accomplish, was thwarted.

Therefor anons, do not let up, do not let your vigilance wane, keep going strong and hard. Keep watching, ( whole distraction with sex could be deadly [just saying, for those who can hear]) Keep your assumptions in check. Complete the task before planning the celebration? Learn from your elders and from the ancients. There is a reason that saying is passed down.

We have pride and hope in ourselves and what gifts we have been given by President Trump and those who have backed him.They will serve us to reach the goal. Our gratitude is unspeakable. President Trump and his team are doing an amazing job. Thank you all for your important work

Go Team!
