Anonymous ID: 6b7365 June 20, 2018, 5:07 a.m. No.1827742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7763 >>7818 >>7974 >>8144 >>8335

Some details regarding Israel fron my personal knowledge


As with all countries, there is a struggle there between deep state that is loyal to global interests and patriots.

Up until 1977 Israel was the closest thing to communism as there ever was one. In that year it was the first time ever that a conservative (pro liberty and free market) right wing prime minister was elected.

The old globalist related elites were furious and vowed to retain control. Since then they did everything in their power to sabbotage the new governments and to conspire underneath it as a defacto deep state.

Meaning, they established their control over all places of power other than the government.

They kept the fake news press under their control, and the entire bureaucratic establishmebt including the Israeli attorney generals' office, and eventually in 1992 prof Aharon Barak "reformed" the israeli supreme court, in a move that got him the nickname "judiciary pirate", to be the front office for the Soros global interest in Israel. He established the court as an elite aristocracy that is above the elected government as it can easily undo every law that was legislated, while giving very loose legal explanations of the move. You can see the masonic donations to their new building from the 90s as well as from the roths.


Since 1992 and the Oslo agreement that de facto only worsened the israeli palestinian conflict (more conflict = more to gain for the global interest), each year more and more people there are becoming increasingly anti deep state and the public approval of the deep state supreme court and bureaucracy declined fast.


Isael is a complicated matter, most people there, even those that oppose the deep state, are slow to wake up to the global connection there but it is happenning. The word "conspiracy" is still going strong abd only a few know about the q movement but There is hope as more and more are waking up and exposing the Soros involvement.


Dig the "new Israel fund" it has Soros open society all over it.

This organization is the main divider of population in Israel and it is being exposed big time. It is a Soros ultra progressive organization that existsonly to polarize the society and creatte further left vs right and arabs vs jews conflict.

Anonymous ID: 6b7365 June 20, 2018, 5:30 a.m. No.1827867   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The main problem in Israel is the rooted hatred between right and left and jew vs arabs.


Potus already did a lot for a possible normalization between israel and arab countries, but the people are still asleep. They are only starting to see the global connection through the Soros funds but the waking up is too slow and they still look at it through their sectarian point of view. They dont see the big picture, i.e. "they want you divided. To keep you week and to profit on a never ending conflict".

Also the corruption in Israel is unbelievable, from the police up to the attorny generals office and the supreme court, not to mention the fake news msm.

Anonymous ID: 6b7365 June 20, 2018, 5:51 a.m. No.1827974   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The pla palestinian government in the west bank also has Soros name and global interests all over it.

The leaders swim in money that comes directly from the EU, Soros organizations and even from Israel, while the people there only get a fraction of these funds.


In gaza it is even worse as hamas (the ruling Iran backed armed militia) leaders live like kings, while the population lives on the leftovers. All money that is sent there goes to the leaders pockets and for tunnel construction and weapons + rockets. All they care about is living like kings and maintaining the never ending conflict.