Anonymous ID: a2db0a Blessed June 20, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.1828358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8373



Q and POTUS and Team - sincere and heartfelt thanks for all you're doing.


I first red-pilled on the child-trafficking (Pizzagate) material and did a huge amount of digging and researching posting on Voat. There were/are NUMEROUS proofs there related to child trafficking starting back in early 2017ish when the wikileaks information and coded language first started coming out.


Many people dedicated hours, weeks, months of work to those proofs and I believe it was a springboard for many of us in large ways. They were attacked recently and that entire body of work was gone for a time - but appears that maybe it's back.


It changed my life and how I look at the world - and 8ch continues to do this every day. I love all you guys/gals here and your dedication to the TRUTH. POTUS, Q and Operators, I love you guys too for putting your lives on the line. A special shout to any of you Voaters that might be here too - you guys/gals are great also.


I don't know if you'll see this, Q/POTUS, but had to get it out. Feeling AMAZINGLY BLESSED today!




God bless the United States of America