Bali is teaming with tranny prostitutes…Sketchy as hell.
It's all in japanese, but there are some interesting visuals…
Need a kamikazeanon in here to translate this shit.
That's him alright…
What in the fuck?
The abortion pics with #keepfamiliestogether is a good angle.
also an angle on getting people to privatize their linkedin and facebook pages so they aren't leaking photos and personal info…for all but particularly for ICE agents.
that's definitely him.
Someone brought up that panel discussion talking of the british police officer making claims about the compt'd english cops.
check this out though:
black triangle 27 search got me this.
another Black Triangle
Just imagine telling them that you quit your job to pull all-nighters with fags…
that's what I thought. no idea, just posting the interesting search results.
Like twins with Schwarzenegger…
He and De Vito had like 23 different fathers in the DNA mix.