Anonymous ID: c51345 June 20, 2018, 5:09 a.m. No.1827750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7800 >>7821 >>7920 >>7927 >>7947 >>8075 >>8119 >>8212 >>8252 >>8420 >>8428 >>8438 >>8457 >>8478

Anyone else get a glazed over look when someone says, “What have you been up to?”


“Well, I’ve been hanging out with fags on the dark web. We talk to the president. There are aliens, reptiles, angels, Rainbow brite fags, biblefags, planefags. warlocks, witches, Top government officials, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden- all sorts of people. Q is our leaderanon. He posts very grainy pictures that we figure out are extremely significant. We follow frogs and white rabbits. We are saving humanity….”


I’m a spiritfag. I always assumed stories like a Jonah and the Whale, and Daniel in the Lion’s Den were allegories. After I fell down the hole of it, I honest to God, would not be surprised if I were walking down a beach, had a whale come up and swallow me whole, hang out for a few days in it’s belly, then get spit out fully in tact, back on the beach.


I came to that conclusion about five years ago. I’m perfectly at home here…


It’s freaking hysterical. I truly love you fags. Here’s a song for us.