Trump, Vance and Lake say shoot it down…hmm
yes yes let the ccp collect data and send it back to china
lower altitude better resolution
replace heavy intel equip with emp
want me to continue ?
plus you assume their actual satellites are semi competent
yes complete waste of time and money on CCP's part
Besides they have zero desires of world domination
Good gravy just get a pair
shoot it down
then claim the redneck ghost of Atlanta
hopped in a makeshift balloon chair
armed with supplemental O2, NVG, and his .50 BMG
Have a parade for him in downtown ATL for effect
Above FL600 is class E airspace
Class E is ATC controlled for IFR traffic , but very few aircraft operate above FL600
In class E airspace, IFR aircraft are controlled by ATC. This might be a center facility (Air Route Traffic Control Center) or approach/departure facility. As a VFR aircraft, you aren't required to be in contact with ATC, but IFR aircraft must operate on an ATC clearance. That means the airspace is controlled.
It is questionable if a flight plan is required with ATC to operate above FL600 especially for non IFR flight plans.
I join networks at random locations
At a minimum, the AI tracker is scratching it's artificial brain.
as a side note, international boundaries are normally 12 miles of a coast
(12)(5280) = 63,360 ft