Meditation for Peace
Used to be. Not anymore.
No more excuses.
It was a trap from the beginning.
Both parties did nothing. Absolutely nothing but total mayhem. Radical right - mayhem online. Radical left - mayhem in the streets. One hand washes the other.
And all of this to cover up the more important issues.
Do not pretend that the right does not commit crimes and the right needs to stop using "muh free speech" as an excuse to commit crimes. That is what's happening. What do you think stalking women online does to them, when they've already been traumatized? And that's only one of the issues you're not addressing. Stalking is a crime. Now, shut the fuck up, clean your room and go to bed. Cry baby bitch boi.
I never said that. Nor have I suggested it. You did.
Help is on the way dood. No worries.