Anonymous ID: 2e33dc June 20, 2018, 7:29 a.m. No.1828801   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, while we wait to hear of trials and takedowns at home, are you noticing the biggest takedown of all, even bigger than NK? CHINA. POTUS ratcheting up the heat and looking to put tariffs of up to $400 billion on China imports, equal to the Annual Trade Deficit with China. That is one big incoming BOOM! This is going to result in the takedown of the Chinese Communist System - Soviet Style but with a twist - and all without a shot being fired! Brilliant! Reagan would be proud! Our daily transfusions of $1B+ of US Trade Deficit is 100% in our control, and that is China’s Achilles Heel as well as their only economic strength. America can stop the transfusions and in turn reclaim our industries, productivity and booming economy, and it is all happening. Now that’s a “boom” we can appreciate and live with. The China economy cannot stand on its own, and it never was designed to. Without the daily transfusion of extra US Dollars the China communist party is finished-kaput. After all, the China economy only exists from what they could take from America and copy, and we were complacent enough to allow it all to happen. Remember China history, the Mongols invaded China virtually every generation and killed 95% of the population they conquered except for the artisans every time, so the Chinese call themselves Hans but they are basically Mongols by blood, and as such are used to “taking” what they need. Mongols throughout history were all about conquest, killing, raping and pillaging, and of course copying, and even before that China was always a society and culture based on warfare. Ghengis and Kublai Khan were Mongols, not Chinese, and the Great China Wall didn’t remotely stop these invading Mongol armies of nomadic warriors who could ride 100 miles per day. Being a warfare-based culture, friendship and trust in China is still today actually considered a weakness, and deception and trickery are highly admired as long as one “wins”. So basically in all this, we are dealing with modern day Mongols. Even the Rothschilds who can trace their White Khazar roots back to Attila the Hun are also basically Mongols, so physical force is the only language they understand. (Remember the Roths invented communism, too.) Now we are finally dealing with them in a language they understand - Peace Through Strength. Que cajones grandes! Viva el Presidente!!!