four FARTS
and ten larps ago
our hobbits
transmitted fake twat varus
four FARTS
and ten larps ago
our hobbits
transmitted fake twat varus
found above gas chambers
>>found above gas chambers
>bronies caught misleading juws to luxor
french canadian spy caught cruisin fo hetero #addictedtohetero
>>>found above gas chambers
>>bronies caught misleading juws to luxor
>french canadian spy caught cruisin fo hetero #addictedtohetero
PEDOlitical israeli seo juwing seo keyword software bribes nuw juw mascot
old juw jealous
nuw juw bribed mascot makes nothetero feels towards idolatry
bribed nuw juw mascot loves kids
LjuwHubbard still struggelin to make meta
JFKtranny little cheeto peepee finally exposed