Reminds me of the facial structure of Ashley Strohmier from Faux News, as well as many others. It's like a generic template that all plastic surgeons follow.
I don't subscribe to Doom, thank you very much. I'm already happily subscribed to Hope and that is all I need. Patriots are in control.
And intensify they did…
Freaky mannish goblin hands.
We're only experts in monkey cock 'round these parts.
I'm an idiot because I don't whine like you do? And then you wish suffering on my loved ones because I disagreed with you? That I won't accept doom and defeatism? Okay, tardo, whatever you say.
>you are an idiot fir believing someone will save you
And that is your mistake right there. You aren't familiar with what's in my head. The fact that you're trying to spread despair on the board says moar about you than it ever will about me. Thank you, come again.
Good for you. I'm sure you're familiar with losing too.
You've been whining all bread, trying to spread your despair onto others. You know a lot about losing, don't lie to everyone here. Winners don't whine, therefore you're a loser.
Yeah, I'm the one trying to project for the cabal onto the board. I hope that despair is like a weight on your chest. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Sheep? I don't view my fellow man as farm animals to be corralled and herded. That's where you and I differ. The "sheep" awake is your greatest fear and that's okay because you've brought it on yourself.
Their panic is increasing. Jimmies are definitely rustled.