Anonymous ID: 0b6730 June 20, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.1830140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Russian Defense Ministry issued a preemptive statement Monday accusing the United States of preparing a “false flag” chemical attack against civilians in Syria.


The Russian military claimed anti-government rebels from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are working with U.S. special operations forces to use chlorine in a planned attack on the residents of Deir ez-Zor, the government’s Interfax statement claimed Monday, the Moscow Times reported. Russia previously issued several similar preemptive statements claiming that Syrian rebels are being used to stage events that would provoke the U.S. to carry out more air strikes on the civil war–torn Middle East nation. The allegations made by the Russian military follow several reports of canisters of chlorine-based toxic gases being used against anti-government strongholds and civilians.

Anonymous ID: 0b6730 June 20, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.1830542   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Of course she wants UN to investigate, She wants UN to supersede the sovereignty of USA

She would like to see a precedent set of UN courts Control USA