Anonymous ID: 707ea8 June 20, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.1830323   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>1829644 (notable)

>Peter Fonda

At first, I thought the

>Hollywood is all trannies

meme was just a slide; but—as an adept physiognomist—I see clear as day both he and his wife are transsexuals.

>the characteristic lazy eye of the sodomite/brainwashed

>his face—previously notably oblong—is now round and androgyne reminiscent of Thom Yorke, tbh

>his "wife" looks suspiciously like "Caitlyn" Jenner

If anons already believe in a cult of Moloch/Ba'al, it's not a stretch to think (((they))) also follow the castration cult of Cybele.

>The Principate brought the development of an extended festival or "holy week"[68] for Cybele and Attis in March (Latin Martius), from the Ides to nearly the end of the month.

>March 24: Sanguem or Dies Sanguinis ("Day of Blood"), a frenzy of mourning when the devotees whipped themselves to sprinkle the altars and effigy of Attis with their own blood; some performed the self-castrations of the Galli. The "sacred night" followed, with Attis placed in his ritual tomb.

>the Wachowski "Brothers"

>et al

(If anons agree, I suggest a new bread instead of trannying up the general.)