So Says Lord Crocyellow
Boil water first and old eggs
Dump hot water when done cooking
Rinse in cold water
When ready to crack
Tap shell on countertop or edge of plate/bowl in a few places, to get bunch of cracks, get a good start on a particular spot and try to get it off withe membrane to break that seal, most should come off, like peeling window/bumper sticker, or old window tint. How you start the first piece off, predicts the entire procedure result.
When in doubt, everything vintage 1970"s is true shit
Each post is read one by one.
Same anon can be briliant one pst, semi lame previous and retrded by end of bred, then bwck cool dood with an idea, next bred same retard anon can be superanon. That is what makes this place special. All things can made new.
Hope in every post or failure, but start over next bred.
27 days on master cleamse for me.
First 3 days the hardest. Past day 20 no big changes foe me, went extra 7 days just to see and even went to the gym entire time.
Some anons will follow you and hound you over and over. Ithink they are lonsome. They get you to talk to them by this action. I usually banter with retard and fag responses and other niceties, then acknowledge their lonliness and then stop. I realize this is some anons only avenue for talk, so i play along.
I can see this as a legit costume pierre delecto owns.
Eat a ton of eggs and pinto beans and avacado before your fast. It will cause huge poops, and clean prior to the fast.
Also take Ivermection paste. Do for a week, the eating, will give ivermection chance to kill, food will force dead stuff out. Eat a ton of celery as a broom as well. Then do fast.