"The Big Guy" is Obama, not Biden.
Evidence| Hunter Biden Laptop Reveals MSM Amnesia & Cuba Circling Back To Haunt Psaki, The Big Guy and Pops
While many today are claiming Psaki and the faux administration are avoiding the word Communism, I am here to tell you what they are AVOIDING and what NO ONE IS TELLING YOU.
Cuba is in the news lately, and it seems that the Main Stream Media (MSM) have some serious amnesia affecting their ability to recall facts. Even though the “Conservative circuit” reports on communism, they aren’t reporting what is REALLY happening. As per FACT AMNESIA, they “forgot” to remind the people that during Hillary Clinton’s reign as Secretary of State and under the AUTHORIZATION of President Barack Hussein Obama (aka The Big Guy), multiple Influence Operations were deployed across the world between 2009 and 2016. Cuba was one of them. While many today are claiming Psaki and the faux administration are avoiding the word Communism, I am here to tell you what they are AVOIDING and what NO ONE IS TELLING YOU.
Cuba is circling back to bite the faux administration back. The people of CUBA will hold them accountable for supporting, maintaining, and controlling a communist regime in their nation under the guise of “democracy.” Their dictator was never Castro or Miguel Díaz-Canel, it’s the DEEP STATE, and their leaders were simply puppets. The marionette master is the BIG GUY (Barack Hussein Obama)……..
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