Anonymous ID: 51729f Feb. 9, 2023, 7:59 a.m. No.18313601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3634 >>3786 >>3821

Clarence Thomas Provides Legal Roadmap To Tearing Down Censorship

Tristan Justice April 4, 2021

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas offered a roadmap to eliminating rampant social media censorship from online monopolies on Monday.

In a ruling for writ of certiorari on the case of President Joe Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, Thomas concurred in an opinion to send the case back to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit with instructions to dismiss as moot, now that Biden is in the White House.

The case, launched in August, questions whether the First Amendment strips government officials of their ability to block third-party accounts on Twitter if the personal account is used to conduct official business. The lower court ruled Trump violated the First Amendment when blocking users on the platform, which served as a public forum.

“I write separately to note that this petition highlights the principal legal difficulty that surrounds digital platforms,” Thomas wrote, “namely, that applying old doctrines to new digital platforms is rarely straightforward.

Thomas went on to outline a blueprint for breaking up protections that enable corporate tech monopolies to engage in widespread censorship frequently in one direction. The conservativejustice’s argument rests primarily on the monopoly power Big Tech conglomerates possessin Silicon Valley, where unilateral control of the public forum means no real public forum at all.

“It seems rather odd to say that something is a government forum when a private company has unrestricted authority to do away with it,” Thomas wrote. “The disparity between Twitter’s control and Mr. Trump’s control is stark, to say the least.”

In January, Twitter kicked then-President Trump from the platform altogether.

“Today’s digital platforms provide avenues for historically unprecedented amounts of speech, including speech by government actors,” Thomas emphasized. “Also unprecedented, however, isthe concentrated control of so much speech in the hands of a few private parties. We will soon have no choice but to address how our legal doctrines apply to highly concentrated, privately owned information infrastructure such as digital platforms.”

Aside from Twitter, Thomas highlighted the dominant influence of Google and Amazon. Google, Thomas noted, serves as the “gatekeeper” between users and speech with power over 90 percent of internet searches.

“It can suppress content by deindexing or downlisting a search result or by steering users away from certain content by manually altering autocomplete results,” Thomas wrote. Amazon, meanwhile, as the distributor of a majority of e-books and half of all physical books, “can impose cataclysmic consequences on authors by, among other things, blocking a listing.”

Earlier this year, Amazon deplatformed conservative scholar Ryan T. Anderson and his book “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment,” a book critical of the left’s efforts to mainstream transgenderism to a radical degree.

Now, when users search Anderson’s book title into Amazon, it’s not his book that shows up. Instead, it’s a work titled “Let Harry Become Sally: Responding to the Anti-Transgender Moment.”

Thomas himself has fallen victim to Amazon’s censorship. In February, during Black History Month, the company removed a documentary about the only black justice currently serving on the Supreme Court from its streaming service.

The PBS title, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” appeared ripped from the platform while Amazon still promoted other titles under the category of Black History Month, such as “All In: The Fight For Democracy,” with Stacey Abrams, and two movies on Anita Hill, Thomas’s accuser of sexual misconduct who attempted to derail his confirmation.

“It changes nothing that these platforms are not the sole means for distributing speech or information,” Thomas wrote. “But inassessing whether a company exercises substantial market power, what matters is whether the alternatives are comparable. For many of today’s digital platforms, nothing is.”

Justice Thomas’s Opinion attached

Anonymous ID: 51729f Feb. 9, 2023, 8:12 a.m. No.18313663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3786 >>3821

PN>>18311862 Inside baseball stuff about the House Oversight Committee and the Twitter Censorship Hearing


This is why I have no faith in these committees,nothing ever comes of them. No one is legally punished.


Heck even Jim Jordan gives Roth etc an out from liability in his questioning when Jordan says, “It was you guys (twitter) that were played by FBI!” Why is Jordan giving them this soundbite?


He is in effect saying,don’t worry guys, you’re the victim of the Big Bad FBI so just play along and give us the real dirt on the FBI.


Go to 3:38 on this short clip, basically saying “You guys wanted to take it down (NYP story on laptop), you guys got played by the FBI (he repeated it a couple of times), then he “the real story” (who’s at fault) is the FBI using you by requesting you take it down!


Then he asks Roth about freedom of speech, Roth says that only applies to the government. The Jordan said the FBI was giving you orders to violate free speech. Jordan is ignoring the fact that all Social Media companies were and are funded by government and their technology is on government servers and from DARPA and multiple other government and military agencies. Jordan and everyone in Congress knows this, but won’t reveal it becausethey want people to believe the Big Lie that none of these companies have to adhere to the Constitution. They won’t tell the citizens this info, not only to not reveal the absolute truth our government has been spying on us for at least 70 years, but because Congress is fully funded by the lobbying dollars of BT


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


(There are about 50 different cases that define Free Speech, assuming its only government that is limited is ridiculous. )


Many have said McCarthy and Jordan will never take down Big Tech down, (this short clip affirmed they won’t), because almost all of them are owned and funded by BT. The good republicans in 2020 and 2021 had a strategy take away 230 protection of BT, it was gaining steam by Jordan and McCarthy along with many others totally opposed and quashed it. The only Republican I know of that takes “NO Lobbying Money” is Matt Gaetz, I’m sure there’s more, but very few.


I’ve always liked Jordan, but finding out fundamentally he is owned by Lobbyists makes me think how I used to have a lot of respect Trey Gowdy too! We never knew Trey was working with McCarthy to block Devin, Kash and Col Harvy investigation into Russiagate, until Devin and Kash said so out loud a couple of months ago.

Anonymous ID: 51729f Feb. 9, 2023, 8:25 a.m. No.18313724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3786 >>3821

9 Feb, 2023 14:08

Kremlin reacts to Nord Stream sabotage claim

A fresh article alleging a US role in the explosions highlights the need for an international probe, Dmitry Peskov says


Russia is concerned by attempts to silently wind down the investigation into last year’s explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has said. A report by renowned American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, blaming the US for the sabotage, should spur attempts to find out what happened, he stressed.


Articles such as the one by Hersh show “the need for an open international investigation into this unprecedented attack on this critical infrastructure,” Peskov told the media on Thursday. “It’s impossible to leave this without finding the perpetrators and punishing them.”


Russia has already spoken about data which “points to the involvement of the Anglo-Saxons [the US and the UK]” in this incident, and there is “certain overlapping” between this information and the report by the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, the Kremlin spokesman said.


Peskov argued that although Hersh’s journalistic investigation cannot be viewed as source material, “it’s a very important piece, which… must provoke the acceleration of the international probe. But we, on the contrary, witness attempts to silently wind down such international investigation.”


The bombshell report, which came out on Wednesday, claimed the US was behind the blasts on the Nord Stream pipelines. An informed source told Hersh that explosives were placed on the pipelines in the Baltic Sea back in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of a NATO exercise, and were detonated in late September.


The sabotage of Nord Stream 1, which delivered Russian natural gas to Europe through Germany, along with the newly completed Nord Stream 2, rendered the infrastructure inoperable.


Separate probes into the explosions being carried out by Germany, Sweden and Denmark have yet to produce any concrete results. German Public Prosecutor General Peter Frank said last week that even the suspicion “that there had been a foreign sabotage act [in this case], has so far not been substantiated.”


What happened to the Nord Stream pipelines was a “very dangerous precedent” because “if someone committed such a thing once,they can do it anywhere in the world a second time,” Peskov warned.


“There aren’t that many countries in the world that are capable of carrying out such sabotage,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 51729f Feb. 9, 2023, 8:28 a.m. No.18313739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758 >>3786 >>3821

9 Feb, 2023 12:40

US accused of waging ‘information warfare’

Beijing has lashed out at Washington over its “irresponsible” response to the “spy balloon” incident


Washington’s claims of an airship surveillance system are nothing but “information warfare,”Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Thursday. An unmanned balloon’s flight over the US and its subsequent downing last week has intensified tensions between the US and China.


Mao said that accusing Beijing of running a network of spy airships over the US is “irresponsible” and part of “information warfare against China.” The diplomat added that everyone knows which country has the largest spy and monitoring systems.


The statement came after the Pentagon claimed the downed airship was “part of a larger Chinese surveillance balloon program.”This network was going on for “several years,”Brigadier General Pat Ryder said during a briefing on Wednesday. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said on the same day that China had a “fleet of balloons developed to conduct surveillance operations…which have also violated the sovereignty of other countries.”


Mao has insisted that the balloon was a civilian weather research airship that had veered off course and that Beijing had communicated its peaceful nature to Washington. Last week, the diplomat similarly said that the US was “deliberately hyping up the matter.”


A Chinese unmanned airship was seen flying across the continental United States last week. The Pentagon immediately said China was“most certainly” using it to gather intelligence.


The “spy balloon” scandal caused US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to cancel his planned visit to China. Last weekend, the US sent an F-22 fighter jet to destroy the balloon with a missile strike after it drifted off the coast of South Carolina. Beijing called this decision an “unacceptable and irresponsible”reaction.


(Now read this article by Torresays, anon will post it. Brings up serious questions)

Anonymous ID: 51729f Feb. 9, 2023, 8:32 a.m. No.18313758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3761


Strewn Stories About Spy Balloon Do Not Add Up. 1 of 3

StaffPublished on 04 February 2023



U.S.-China relations have been strained in recent years due to increasing tensions between the two countries over security and trade issues. China has criticized U.S. regulations on technology exports, citing them as a trade violation. The U.S. military has banned the use of the Chinese-owned TikTok app on military devices due to concerns over spying. Additionally, nearly half of state governments across the U.S. have also banned the use of TikTok on state-owned devices. These actions reflect the growing tensions between the two countries and the increasing scrutiny of Chinese technology companies by the U.S. government.


In 2017, I had sent off a report to the Department of Justice, State Department, Homeland Security and the White House (after President Trump was inaugurated) to advise that Governor Doug Burgum was funded by the CCP via a capital firm in Chicago. I have posted many articles about the relationship that the state of North Dakota has with the Chinese and the businesses that the late (he killed himself rather than go to jail) Attorney General of North Dakota refused to investigate for espionage.


In fact, the Attorney General shot back at Governor Burgum with alleged “sponsorships” from corporate entities rather than cease Chinese interactions because he was being excluded after the Fentanyl debacle. Past the northern border heading to Canada via Turtle Lake way. Why is this relevant?


North Dakota is indicative of having most of its political leaders funded by China, causing serious concerns about their “foreign policy” due to the fact that it shares a border with a foreign nation, Canada. In 2016, a military training academy was discovered 10-12 miles from the border in Canada by North Dakota. Additionally, purchases made by the Communist Party of China in North Dakota are done through venture firms, and it is speculated that the CCP may own half of Fargo due to a loan it funded for Governor Doug Burgum to purchase literally HALF OF THE CITY OF FARGO. There is also speculation about a North Dakota reporter being a double agent for the CCP as he worked both for Tennent and Brennan working APAC, but that is a story for another time.


Today the focus shifts to the alleged spy balloon that has reportedly been floating across the US for days, with no action taken by the military.


This is not the first instance of China’s intrusion into US airspace, according to the Pentagon, but the behavior of the current balloon is described as unusual. A Defense Department official stated that the balloon is staying in the area for a longer duration than previously observed and is more persistent.


It appears that the continued flight of the alleged spy balloon is seen as a provocative act by China, potentially taunting the Biden administration. It is a strong indicator of an ACT OF WAR. The possibility of it being a mistake purposeful by China’s military before Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Beijing adds to the concern.


Regardless of the intention behind the balloon, its flight is perceived as a challenge and a direct threat to national security, as it is reportedly attempting to collect military data while hovering in unregulated airspace above commercial air traffic.


Another potential explanation for the balloon’s persistence is that China wants to collect signals intelligence by detecting radio, cell phone, and other electronic communications. This would give China “ears in the sky” to gather information.


From a tactical viewpoint, there is still an opportunity to shoot down the balloon. The F-22 stealth fighters mentioned by the Pentagon are capable of tracking and targeting it. The F-22 Raptor, being the world’s most advanced fighter, has a radar that can detect even small objects, making it an ideal candidate for this mission. The balloon has been reported to be hovering at 60,000 feet. The reluctance to shoot it down makes the whole response QUESTIONABLE. It’s not like the Biden administration would tether or release a spy balloon and then identify it as Chinese to do nothing but WATCH it collect data swapping “eyes” in the sky for “ears” in the sky by our most important Nuclear Base and silos…

Anonymous ID: 51729f Feb. 9, 2023, 8:33 a.m. No.18313761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3766


2 of 3

This “spy balloon” nonchalant response by the Biden Administration comes on the heels of the propaganda being pushed that Putin will nuke the Atlantic to submerge the UK and NYC. It seems very odd and very orchestrated but most concerning of all is how PEDESTRIAN it feels.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has postponed his visit to China due to the controversy surrounding the detection of a Chinese surveillance balloon in US airspace. State Department officials have stated that the trip has been postponed indefinitely and that the presence of the balloon is a violation of US sovereignty and international law. A senior official stated that after consultations with other agencies and Congress, it was concluded that the conditions were not appropriate for Blinken to travel to China at this time.


Remember this guy?


The search for Eric Matthew Frein, who was suspected of hiding in the dense forests of northeastern Pennsylvania, had been ongoing for some time now. The cost of the operation, which involved hundreds of state troopers, was estimated to be approximately $500,000 per week and they needed a better way to search for him.


The use of the balloon, which is similar to a weather balloon and is tethered, unmanned, and silent compared to helicopters, is part of the ongoing search for Eric Frein, who is believed to be hiding in the Pocono Mountain region. The device, which was offered by Ohio D.O.T, provides similar technology as some aviation equipment at a fraction of the cost. The blimp is filled with helium and costs approximately $1,000 to inflate. The camera on the balloon has the capability to spot individuals from up to 3 miles away and groups of people or vehicles from up to 5 miles away.


Apparently, these blimps are used by EVERY state tethered and untethered even by simple D.O.T. therefore could this “blimp” be American made considering the limp wristed response of the US military and China casually saying “oopsie” but not ceasing it’s operation. It’s almost like the CCP response and the Biden Administration’s response were scripted.


The US military conducted surveillance tests using high-altitude balloons in the Midwest region of the US back in 2019. The balloons are intended to detect drug trafficking and potential threats to national security. The balloons are solar powered, unmanned and will drift through several states in the region, including South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and Illinois, at altitudes of up to 65,000ft. The Sierra Nevada Corporation, an aerospace and defense company, made the filing with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on behalf of the military hence the records that exist.


According to the documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the balloons equipped with high-tech radars are designed to track many individual vehicles simultaneously, day or night, and through all weather conditions. The tests, conducted by the Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), an aerospace and defense company, received an FCC license to operate from mid-July to September, following similar flights licensed in previous years. The balloons are intended to “provide a persistent surveillance system to locate and deter narcotic trafficking and homeland security threats”.




Interestingly, the “balloon” seems to have been identified as Kutta Technologies | Command, Control, and Communications (C3)product but for some reason people are declaring it Chinese- maybe it is – but maybe it isn’t.


US Southern Command (Southcom) is responsible for a wide range of tasks, including disaster response, intelligence operations, security cooperation in the Caribbean and Central and South America, and identifying and intercepting drug shipments headed for the US. It is a joint effort by various branches of the US military, including the army, navy, and air force. The balloons are being tested as part of Southcom’s efforts to improve its surveillance capabilities. Doesn’t it seem odd how we have these balloons deployed in EVERY state and even the border but HUMAN AND DRUG trafficking continue? Almost like it’s intentional…

Anonymous ID: 51729f Feb. 9, 2023, 8:34 a.m. No.18313766   🗄️.is 🔗kun


3 of 3

Project Genetrix

Project Genetrix was a large-scale series of missions conducted by the U.S. military in the 1950s to gather intelligence using high-altitude spy balloons. The project flew photographic balloons over Soviet bloc territory to gather information about the territory, including infrastructure, military installations, and other important facilities. The balloons were launched from aircraft or the ground, and typically operated at altitudes between 80,000 to 120,000 feet, far above commercial air traffic and most military aircraft. The information gathered by Project Genetrix was used by the U.S. military to build up a comprehensive intelligence picture of Soviet bloc territory and to help plan military operations if necessary.


In recent years, the use of high-altitude balloons for military and intelligence purposes has seen a resurgence, with several countries developing their own programs and deploying them for various purposes such as border security, communications, and environmental monitoring. With advancements in technology and miniaturization, these balloons are now able to carry sophisticated payloads that can be used for a wide range of applications.


ALPHABET INC. (aka Google aka In-Q-Tel aka CIA) Loons?


Raven Aerostar is a company that supplies balloons for Southcom’s tests and launches them from its facility in South Dakota. The company has the capability to keep balloons aloft for almost a month. It also provides balloons to Alphabet subsidiary Loon for delivering internet and cell phone service from the stratosphere.


Southcom’s balloons are equipped with small vehicles containing advanced sensors and communication gear. The balloons use synthetic aperture radar to detect cars and boats moving on a 25-mile swath beneath them. They also have mesh networking technology that allows them to communicate with each other and share data with receivers on the ground.


Speculation due to Strewn Stories


The response from the Biden Administration and military is confusing to people who know blimps and balloons well. The U.S. military has a stratospheric spy balloon program, known as COLD STAR (COvert Long Dwell STratospheric ARchitecture), designed to operate undetected in enemy airspace. They know what loons fly and hover at which heights. Interestingly, stratospheric spy balloons like COLD STAR usually fly at an altitude of 80,000 feet or higher. NASA’s version flies at an altitude of 120,000 feet. On the other hand, US Air Force’s F-15 Eagle and F-22 Raptor have an operating altitude of around 65,000 feet. This high altitude makes it challenging for these military aircrafts to shoot down the balloons, even if they can get close enough to fire a missile. But in this case the altitude is 60,000 to 65,000 ft which would NOT be a COVERT loon and therefore anyone familiar with flight heights and efforts would assume commercial and or flying with permission. You can’t NOT detect something at 60K-70K ft as you can see it with your eyes, unless it is coated in Niobium in which the loon would be camouflaged.


U.S. military leaders considered shooting down a stratospheric spy balloon over Montana, but eventually advised against it due to the safety risk posed by the potential debris. The decision was communicated to President Biden. This stance is odd considering these are filled with non-flammable helium unlike the Hindenburg that was filled with hydrogen. Debris? It’s Montana and controlled “popping” with a missile would have ended the concerns, unless the spy balloon was flying with permission.


Canada Chiming in isn’t helping in the age of (mis)Information


The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement regarding the unintentional entry of a Chinese unmanned airship into US airspace. The airship is a civilian research vessel mainly used for meteorological purposes, which deviated from its planned course due to the Westerlies and limited self-steering capabilities. The ministry stated that the situation was due to force majeure and expressed regret over the entry of the airship into North America. Canada’s national defense department stated that Canadians are safe and steps are being taken to ensure the security of its airspace, including monitoring for a potential second incident.


This is an ACT of WAR and China says “oopsie” and it’s ok? In foreign policy it’s called “testing the waters” and it looks like a SHAKE up is coming soon unless…. it’s not Chinese.


Made in China or Made in the USA


Civilians and those not with “need to know” will not be told which is which BUT the response of your government and other governments to an event answer that question.

Anonymous ID: 51729f Feb. 9, 2023, 8:41 a.m. No.18313799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3821

9 Feb, 2023 11:48

Russia to probe alleged POW executions by ‘Ukrainian nationalists’

The move comes after a video surfaced online, apparently showing a war crime, filmed by a gunman speaking Ukrainian


Russian investigators have launched a probe into the alleged killing of prisoners of war, after an extremely graphic video emerged on social media, purportedly showing a Ukrainian fighter shooting soldiers.


The Investigative Committee said on Thursday that the footage appeared to show the murder of three Russian POWs by “Ukrainian nationalists.” The agency pledged to identify the perpetrators.


The 30-second clip, which surfaced online earlier this week, was filmed from the point of view of an armed person speaking Ukrainian in an agitated tone. He can be heard demanding answers from people in military uniforms, lying on the snow-covered ground.


Apparently frustrated with the lack of a coherent answer,the man fires several rounds at the head of one of the captives, before switching his attention to another. A third uniformed person can be seen motionless on the ground with blood next to his head.


A fellow fighter is present at the scene, and appears to be trying to calm the gunman down, as he insists that the second captive has a grenade. The clip ends with the shooter declaring “Slava Ukraini!” and adding an obscenity. The Ukrainian nationalist slogan, which translates as ‘glory to Ukraine’, has been widely adopted by the Ukrainian military and wider society since the 2014 armed coup in Kiev.


Viktoria Serdyukova, the human rights ombudsman for the Lugansk People’s Republic, said the footage served “as another confirmation that cold-blooded killers are fighting against us”. She urged international organizations to probe the incident.


It is unclear when or where the video was shot, and who the people in it were. Several videos apparently depicting the torture and murder of Russian POWs by Ukrainian troops have emerged since the hostilities started in Ukraine, some of which have been authenticated by Western media.


According to the Russian Defense Ministry,the killing of unarmed, surrendered soldiers is a “widespread practice” by Kiev’s troops.


Ukrainian officials defended their soldiers’ actions after a particular incident came to light in November. The footage showed Russian military personnel lying in a row on the ground after apparently being shot by Ukrainian captors.


Kiev claimed that the Russian soldiers were killed lawfully after an attempted perfidy – an act of faking surrender with the intention of attacking the other side by surprise. Critics have said the narrative did not fit the injuries, as the killed troops appeared to be shot in their heads.