Anonymous ID: 2d6085 Feb. 9, 2023, 6:32 p.m. No.18316988   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Ten Stories That Shaped 2021

At Harvard, 2021 was a year marked by change. The school’s long-awaited return to in-person operations injected new life into a campus that had been left dormant for over a year by Covid-19. And in an unexpected shift, the University announced its intention to divest its endowment from fossil fuels after a decade of public pressure. Separately, faculty controversies — including a federal conviction and a high-profile departure — ignited debates that rippled across academia. Below, The Crimson looks back at the 10 stories that shaped the last year at Harvard.


Consider the Biden Department of Justice decision to end the “China Initiative” — a program the Trump administration launched to counter national-security threats China poses to the United States. Among other key revelations and outcomes, the initiative led to the arrest of Charles Lieber, the Harvard chemistry department chair whose work the CCP secretly funded and who is accused of academic espionage.


February 3, 2023


Professor Charles Lieber receives Israel's Wolf Prize


January 23, 2012


Lieber status - appears to be on leave, Lieber Group page still active, still a valued member of the ~~Harvard~~ China School of transhumanism and now he's an Engineer too.