Anonymous ID: 4edcf0 Feb. 9, 2023, 10 p.m. No.18317774   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 Feb, 2023 03:43

Biden defends response to Chinese balloon

An unnamed senior State Department official has claimed the balloon was capable of “signals intelligence collection operations”


US President Joe Biden has defended his administration’s response after a Chinese-made balloon crossed into American airspace, insisting the suspicious device did not represent a “major breach.” While lawmakers in both parties have criticized the delay in shooting down the craft, Biden said it was done as soon as possible.


The president was asked about the balloon incident during an interview with the Spanish-language outlet Noticias Telemundo on Thursday, suggestingit never posed serious risk to life or limb while stating he has no regrets about the US reaction. (Why does he say “no regrets” so much when he obviously does very bad things? He said he had “no regrets” for stealing top secret documents since the mid 1970’s. This guy is seriously nuts)


“The total amount of intelligence gathering that’s going on by every country around the world is overwhelming,” he said. “It’s not a major breach. I mean, look … it’s a violation of international law. It’s our airspace. And once it comes into our space, we can do what we want with it.”

(But you didn’t, you let it fly over America for 8 days)


Both Republicans and Democrats alike have criticized the president for waiting nearly a week before ordering the balloon to be shot down, but Biden cited concerns among military officials that the craft could fall into a populated area and cause harm, saying the order was given as soon as possible.


“This thing was gigantic. What happened if it came down and hit a school in a rural area? What happened if it came down? So I told them as soon as they could shoot it down, shoot it down,” he said. “They made a wise decision. They shot it down over water, they're recovering most of the parts, and they're good.”


Beijing, for its part, maintains the unmanned balloon was used to collect meteorological data and has denied it was intended for surveillance, arguing it had crossed into US airspace by accident. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning has accused Washington of waging “information warfare”after US officials claimed China keeps a network of spy balloons over the United States, calling the charge “irresponsible.”


In comments to several media outlets on Thursday, an unnamed senior State Department official asserted that a fleet of Chinese surveillance craft operates “over more than 40 countries across five continents,”adding that the balloons are “clearly for intelligence surveillance.”


The balloon that entered the US was “equipped with solar panels large enough to produce the requisite power to operate multiple active intelligence collection sensors,”and its gear was “inconsistent with the equipment onboard weather balloons,” the official continued. Imagery from American U-2 spy planes also purportedly showed that the airship was “capable of conducting signals intelligence collection operations.”


Though China has repeatedly said the craft was a civilian airship, the official claimed its manufacturer “has a direct relationship with China’s military” and is an “approved vendor”of the People’s Liberation Army. However, they did not name the company in question, and declined to cite evidence to support the alleged ties to Beijing’s military.


(Oh shit RT used the most retarded picture of Bidan possible, with the most retarded statements to the press possible, they must be losing their objectivity. We lost ours a long time ago.)

Anonymous ID: 4edcf0 Feb. 9, 2023, 10:08 p.m. No.18317794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8333

9 Feb, 2023 21:54

Western state media form safe space

Broadcasters launched Public Spaces Incubator to foster ‘fact-based communication’ free of hate and propaganda


Public broadcasters from Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, and Germany have launched a new platform aimed at fostering “fact-based communication” on the internet while shielding participants from what they describe as the growing threat of propaganda.Called Public Spaces Incubator, the project was announced on Wednesday by the German public broadcaster ZDF in collaboration with the CBC (Canada), SRG (Switzerland), and RTBF (Belgium).


The platform seeks to “enable civic engagement and democratic discourse in digitalspace away from hate comments and increasing disinformation,” according to the press release. The aim is to show how state-backed media can “create independent and fact-based communication spaces in the digital world.”


Supposedly free from “commercial aspects,” Public Spaces Incubator claims to be exclusively interested in “open and respectful online discussions” and “the interests of the users.” It’s not clear what happens when those two are at cross purposes, however.


“Democracy thrives on an open and fair dialogue in society,” ZDF director Norbert Himmler said in the press release, warning against leaving such conversations to “the major American platforms.” Public Spaces Incubator, he said, was meant to provide a “public service alternative” to the increasingly violent, hate-filled platforms currently dominating the social media scene.


The initiative is a collaboration with New_ Public, whose co-founder, Eli Parisier, also co-founded Avaaz, an activist group notorious for advocating ideologically-motivated online censorship. Parisier is credited with coining the term “filter bubble” in his 2011 book of the same name, in which he drew attention to the danger of social media algorithms that filter out dissenting views. New_ Public’s other co-founder, Deepti Doshi, hails from Meta, formerly Facebook – a platform arguably synonymous with the filter bubble.


The battle against “disinformation” has attracted intense attention in recent months from international entities like the World Health Organization and the United Nations, as well as elite gatherings like the World Economic Forum. It was confirmed last week that the US, UK and Canada all deployed military-grade technology, including psychological operations, to suppress so-called disinformation that ran counter to their respective governments’ Covid-19 policies.


Civil liberties groups have warned that this term (along with its cousins “misinformation” and “malinformation”) is ill-defined and easily weaponized to censor dissenting views, even in democracies that have legal protections against such abuses.


(The launch died just after it was birthed in an incubator. I hope they realize incubators are only used for seriously early births of babies. They cannot be used by adults! Sheesh!!! Democracy must mean retarded and incapable of living in the real world.)

Anonymous ID: 4edcf0 Feb. 9, 2023, 10:39 p.m. No.18317891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7908 >>7912

Wait a minute, I’m watching Ms Parker at the hearing this am. She said she was in a building adjacent to World Trade Center on 9/11. She said her and her colleagues were led to safety by NYPD that day but2,977 souls were not as fortunate that day and lost their lives. Isn’t she the ex FBI agent?


This is where I have a question, we were told for months after that over 8,000 lives were lost that day. I watched the news for weeks and I’m sure it was near 8,000. I never looked it up afterwards.


I just looked it up on various media,many articles from 2021, and it seems to have been adjusted down dramatically. When did they change the number? Why would the patriot act be implemented for that amount?


This is so strange to me!


Does anyone have reports on the number of deaths from the news in 2001? I’m positive it was not reported as less than 3,000

Anonymous ID: 4edcf0 Feb. 9, 2023, 10:45 p.m. No.18317908   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My feeling is Ms. Parker is a fucking plant, isn’t this the woman crying, something seriously wrong with her. “I decided to leave a multi billion dollar Hedge fund and give back by signing up to be a special agent in the FBI”


Seems like if she is a plant then the FBI will come out and say she never worked for them and therefore their witnesses are defective.

Anonymous ID: 4edcf0 Feb. 10, 2023, 12:52 a.m. No.18318173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8187

Man oh man, I’ve been listening to the Weaponization of Government hearing and not one,NOT ONE democrat wanted to protect any citizen from government agencies. I was hoping one person as a democrat would say this is not right, but they were all hateful, aggressive and condemning the Chairmans Committee for even investigating the subject.


Once again,NOT ONE democrat wanted to protect any citizen from government abuse. This is more than shocking!