Anonymous ID: 8bf46a Feb. 10, 2023, 10:05 a.m. No.18320145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0156

Study: Soaring Excess Deaths Linked to High Vaccination Rates


Areas with higher vaccination rates also show soaring rates of excess deaths, a bombshell new study has revealed.


British researchers conducted an analysis of official data for England and compared vaccination rates and excess death rates for all 300-plus lower-tier administrative areas in the country.


Their findings add to the mounting concerns that the mRNA Covid shots are contributing to the sharp rise in excess deaths that started spiking in mid-2021.


The analysis used the pre-pandemic five-year average (2015-19) as a baseline.


Confounding factors such as age and deprivation were also taken into consideration.


Researchers compared the findings in the vaccination era to those in the first Covid wave, before vaccines were available.


The analysis looked at the three periods of excess deaths in England after the vaccine rollout.


These are, broadly, the Alpha variant period of winter 2020-21 (December 20, 2020, to March 7, 2021), the Delta period of the second half of 2021 (June 27, 2021, to January 9, 2022), and the Omicron period of 2022 (March 27, 2022, to January 1, 2023).


However, it’s important to note that for the milder Delta and Omicron periods, many or most of the excess deaths were not Covid related.


The low vaccine coverage during the Alpha period, very early in the rollout, means the findings for that period are uninformative.

Anonymous ID: 8bf46a Feb. 10, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.18320363   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Look I don't want to go there with the whole Trump vs. DeSantis thing because I think they're both great leaders and either would be a helluva lot better than what we have now, but all of this "look who supports DeSantis" or "look at who DeSantis is associating with" is pretty ironic considering the absolute swamp creatures Trump has surrounded himself with, supported, and continues to support to this day. Guilt by association isn't really a great argument in the political sphere as it is quite impossible to avoid at least some interaction and cooperation with swamp creatures if you're going to work in D.C.

Anonymous ID: 8bf46a Feb. 10, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.18320464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0651

The Final Chapter of Slavery Hinges on Widespread Implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies • Resistance To This Takeover At Every Level By The Masses Is Mandatory If Freedom Is To Survive


I do not mean to indicate that CBDCs are our only or single greatest risk, but when fully implemented, it will be the final breaking point of this country’s freedom. Digital control of every transaction, total surveillance, and total central bank control over all monetary processes, will also demand tracking and tracing of every individual, which in turn will necessitate social scoring, identity, and social passports. Any and all transactions will be centrally controlled, cash will be eliminated, so that only ‘allowed’ purchases, travel and any movement, energy use, and carbon emission allowances will be the excuses used by the central bankers and the technocrats as to what is and what is not tolerated by your masters.


This may be very confusing to most, but those few who have contemplated the true ideas of freedom, and have come to the conclusion that the only laws and the only ‘rights’ that exist are those of the individual, have a better understanding. In addition, only natural law is of any value or consequence, and only natural law is valid as a moral purpose of actual justice for any individual, or any group of individuals. Therefore, should any state or government come into existence, and claim any authority whatsoever, and for any reason, it should do absolutely nothing other than protecting the individual and his inherent natural rights, for any other function would necessarily expose that each individual is nothing more than the property of the state, and therefore a slave. In other words, there is no legitimacy in any governing system whatsoever that chooses to make any laws, to enforce those laws, or in any way restrict the peaceful individual.


Discussing these concepts at this time and in this manner seems absolutely insane, as no government that has ever existed has held itself to only protecting the natural and inherent rights of the individual, without aggressing against those very same rights. What this clearly indicates then, is that no government and no state or nation, has any right to exist in any free society. No government has any right to ‘make’ laws, because natural law is already apparent and obvious. Nothing mandated by the state should ever be called a law, as no legitimate right whatsoever allows one man to make a law with authority over another. No one can even count the ‘laws’ on the books, or will even attempt to do so. There are over 300,000 state and federal gun laws alone, so how many hundreds of thousands or millions of laws are claimed by one or the other government; local, state and federal? The insanity of this is beyond imagination to any intelligent individual.


Everything that is happening and has happened, including all the wars of aggression, taxation at every level, the multitude of laws and changing laws, banking and corporate control of finance and government, all state restrictions, the 9/11 inside scam, and the fake ‘covid’ pandemic, were planned long in advance in order to achieve certain agendas. All is a constant progression of events meant to lead to a total control situation, where a ruling class is master of all. The pinnacle of this heinous plot is technocratic globalization, where the few will rule the world. By digitizing most every aspect of life, including every monetary transaction, this will allow for a fully centralized governing system where each and every individual is dependent on the state. This would be the crowning achievement of the globalists, and central banking digital currency as the global fiat system, would allow for mass control of virtually every single condition of life.


Centralized digital money, artificial intelligence, chipping of the population, movement and ‘health’ passports, 15 minute cities, and the like, will change forever the structure of power.It is imperative to understand the scope of this plot, and even though many more are turning against these changes, the state is going full steam ahead with its plan to roll out CBDCs worldwide, and the central bank of central banks, the Bank of International Settlements, is openly discussing and implementing these heinous strategies around the world without pause.

