Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 9:52 a.m. No.18320092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0102 >>0120 >>0407 >>0414 >>0663

Sen. John Fetterman struggling to hear voices after stroke: report

Emily Crane

Good grief!


Stroke-surviving Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) was struggling to adjust to high office even before his most recent health scare this week, a new report revealed Friday.


According to the New York Times, the 53-year-old sometimes struggles to hear people’s voices clearly — comparing it to the muffled words of Charlie Brown’s teacher in “Peanuts.”


Fetterman’s difficulties with auditory processing get noticeably worse when he’s stressed or in an unfamiliar situation, the report added.


The former Pennsylvania lieutenant governor was left with hearing and other cognitive issues after suffering a stroke in May of last year, just before the Keystone State’s Democratic Senate primary.


After Fetterman defeated Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz in the November general election, new technology was needed to help him communicate with staff and colleagues.


For example, Fetterman now carries a tablet around with him that has closed captioning capabilities so he can read whatever people are saying to him.


A closed captioning monitor has also been installed at his desk in the Senate chamber so he can follow along with proceedings. The device is adjustable in height to accommodate Fetterman whether he needs to sit or stand.


A custom desk at the center dais has also been equipped with the same technology for Fetterman’s use when he presides over the chamber.


Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) told the Times that she experimented with Fetterman’s tablet during a recent Democratic caucus lunch.


“What I was saying was accurate even when I talked fast. I wanted to make sure it was accurate. It was kind of to imagine what it would be like to be him,” Klobuchar said.


“He answers like you would answer anyone,” she added. “It’s us that have to get used to it; he’s used to it.”


The Times report was published two days after Fetterman was hospitalized in Washington DC due to feeling lightheaded during a Democratic Party retreat.


The father-of-three remained hospitalized Thursday night so doctors could monitor for signs of seizures and to carry out further tests.


“According to John’s doctors at The George Washington University Hospital, the results of the MRI, along with the results of all of the other tests the doctors ran, rule out a new stroke,” Fetterman’s communications director Joe Calvello said in a statement.


“John is being monitored with an EEG for signs of seizure – so far there are no signs of seizure, but he is still being monitored.”


Calvello gave no indication on when Fetterman might leave the hospital, but had said late Wednesday he was “in good spirits and talking with his staff and family.”


If Fetterman’s latest health scare leaves him unfit to serve, Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro would need to appoint a replacement.


A special election would then be held next year to select a candidate to finish out the remainder of Fetterman’s term.

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 10:08 a.m. No.18320163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who to hell is this guy?


Tyrmand tells the FL audience last night that Donald Trump WAS a good president, but that he does not belong in the White House.


Tyrmand also said that if he wins, Trump will be the weakest President ever in history bc he would be lame duck starting on day 1. @MatthewTyrmand

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.18320195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0365

Sundance nailed it on DeSantis the day Mar A Lago got raided. He made a statement about the raid, but nothing about how unjust it was to PDJT, he said DeSantis went radio silent at that time. Sundance new he was going to run for President.

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.18320228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0240 >>0258 >>0276 >>0290 >>0318 >>0420 >>0475 >>0784 >>0847

Hostile Takeover of Project Veritas Seeking to Remove James O’Keefe – DeSantis Aligned Operatives Spearheading Effort for Removal

February 9, 2023 | Sundance |


Word first broke on the Twitter last night about a board coup inside the Project Veritas organization led by Matt Tyrmand, a rabid advocate for Ron DeSantis and part of the 2024 influence operation. [TWITTER Source]


According to the leaked information, Matt Tyrmand organized a six-hour confrontation session against Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, culminating in a decision to put O’Keefe on leave.


“The board held a six-and-a-half-hour struggle session vs James where they subjected him to constant derision and insults. At the insistence of Tyrmand, O’Hara, and Hinckley; “about ten employees aired their grievances about James, which essentially boiled down to him being a tough boss to work for. At the end of this six-hour struggle session, Tyrmand and fellow board member John Garvey put him on leave and stripped him of all authority.” (source)


New York Mag is essentially confirming the original sourcing [SEE HERE].


James O’Keefe, the founder and chairman of Project Veritas, has taken a paid leave from the conservative nonprofit media organization as its board considers whether to remove him from his leadership position, according to current and former employees of the organization.


An internal message sent to Project Veritas employees by the organization’s executive director, Daniel Strack, said that O’Keefe would be taking “a few weeks of well-deserved PTO.” An image of the message was shared by a source familiar with the organization’s internal operations, and its authenticity was confirmed by a current employee. When reached for comment on his personal cell phone, O’Keefe said nothing in response and did not respond to follow-up calls and text messages. (source)


Considering the recent explosive undercover work against Pfizer, it is not out of the question, heck, it might be likely – that the Big Republican Club is at work against O’Keefe.


Remember, big corporate donors like the Koch Donor Trust are attached to Project Veritas and simultaneously attached to Ron DeSantis. This could be where DeSantis operative Matt Tyrmand connects the issues between Big donors (Koch), Big Pharma (Pfizer) and Big Club (DeSantis) motives.


However, Occam’s Razor could also apply in that an untrustworthy, backstabbing dirtbag and ankle biter like Matt Tyrmand just happens to find a natural ideological alignment with Team DeSantis.


Money at this scale, with the political overlay and stakes high, is a powerfully corrupting combination. However, if the board at Project Veritas thinks they can oust James O’Keefe and still remain viable, they are sadly mistaken.There is no Project Veritas without James O’Keefe.

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.18320258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0270 >>0276


Veritas had listed James as CEO of the company and head of the Board of Directors


Its very strange and sketchy that they do this right after theBiggest Exposuresof their entire history Pfizer truth, besides Acorn. Some people inside were paid millions from Pfizer is my guess.

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.18320366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0461

Katie Hopkins Explains the Background Issues of GBNews Against Mark Steyn Departure


February 9, 2023 | Sundance | 133 Comments

“Controlled opposition” is a term that is thrown around quite loosely by anyone who ends up disagreeing with an outlook of conservative punditry. However, as it has become increasingly obvious, the GBNews organization is the very definition of ‘controlled opposition.’


GBNews pundit Mark Steyn refused to adhere to the new compliance rules of the organization, and also refused to indemnify the outlet against any lawsuits filed as a result of Mark Steyn’s commentary [Background Here]. Against the backdrop of Steyn’s public explanation for his departure, conservative pundit Katie Hopkins decides it is time for the truth about the GBNews outlet to be openly discussed. WATCH:


Within Britain, all media speech is monitored by the Office of Communications (OfComm), where official government censors track commentary according to regulatory and compliance rules established by the government.


As noted by Steyn in the contract he rejected: “To the extent that the presenter and/or the US producers do not incorporate Ofcom regulatory input into an edition of the program, this shall be considered a material breach of this agreement, and the Mark Steyn Company shall indemnify GB News for any and all direct loss, liability, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages, or expenses that it suffers as a result of any regulatory breach.”


GBNews acquiesced to the thought police, and Mark Steyn is rightly leaving. Good for him.


(I really wonder if GB News required him to get the vaccine too?)

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.18320383   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It seems like the “Conservatives” are not really MAGA, i used to read Benny’s twitter until he turned on Trump. He even tried to get Kirk and Poso to say it when they had one of the AZ election videos. They all shut him down, but since that time I realized Benny shouts instead of speaks

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:03 a.m. No.18320416   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Have anons done a deep dig on him? He seems to be hiding a lot of his history. The one thing I know about him is his voice, when he gives speeches sounds whiny. MAGA would never get used to it Trump and only Trump

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.18320453   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Harnwell: “Western leaders want to be extricated from Ukraine without visibly abandoning Zelensky”


The big takeaway from Tenpercentskyy’s Grand European Tour is that it’s a No. They’re done.

No-one will say it to his face, but they do expect him to read between the lines.

His window to negotiate favourable terms is diminishing. If we really want to be Ukraine’s friend now, we have to get him to talk peace with Putin ASAP.

Anonymous ID: 9e4650 Feb. 10, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.18320498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0520 >>0804 >>0842


10 Feb, 2023 16:57


US ‘lying’ about Nord Stream expose – Moscow


The Russian Foreign Ministry has reminded the State Department about its own history of misleading claims


Attempts by the US State Department to brush off Seymour Hersh’s article about the sabotage of Nord Stream pipelines as “nonsense” are overt lies that display shocking ignorance of American history, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on Friday.


The veteran investigative journalist reportedon Wednesday that the US was behind the destruction of the Baltic Sea pipelines in September 2022. American divers planted charges under the cover of a NATO exercise, and a Norwegian airplane detonated them remotely when the time came, Hersh wrote.


“It would not be typical for us to engage allies and partners on something that is utter and complete nonsense,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Thursday, answering a question about Hersh’s article.


Zakharova said she was astonished by Price’s audacity to call “nonsense” what US President Joe Biden and Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland openly described as their preferred outcome.


The US is once again lying live on air, openly mocking journalists who asked fully justified questions,” Zakharova said.


Washington also has a history of targeting civilian petrochemical infrastructure, Zakharova noted, citing the 1983 CIA sabotage of a pipeline in Nicaragua as an example.


“You did this, you do this, and you will do this until you’re stopped,” the spokeswoman added.


As for bringing allies and partners into “nonsense,” Zakharova argued that this was precisely what “trans-Atlantic solidarity” means in practice, referring to the 2003 invasion of Iraq as one example.


“Twenty years ago, Secretary of State Colin Powell brought to the UN Security Council a vial of something, and called [on] allies and partners to invade a sovereign state, without any evidence, over claims that proved to be utter nonsense. Ned, do you know your own department’s history?” Zakharova said. “I have no doubts that at the State Department they are bad with the history of their own country. That’s why we are where we are.”


Explosions that damaged both Nord Stream pipelines near the Danish island of Bornholm cut off the flow of Russian natural gas to Germany. US officials tried to blame Russia for the blasts, while expressing delight at the destruction and calling it an “opportunity” for Europe. The White House has denouncedHersh’s report as “utterly false and complete fiction.”


Zakharova noted that Denmark and Sweden had refused Russian offers to assist with the investigation, while Norway declined to provide aid citing EU sanctions, adding that this shows thethree governments were not interested in finding out the truth, but rather covering it up.