Regarding the Democratic response to SOTU:
1) Democratic Party Line
We already know what the D party is going to say because they have published it. The response will be delivered by Kennedy and Guzman. Topics will include:
Health care
Tax cuts
Consumer protection
Vulnerable Americans
Broken promises to the middle class
2) Maxine Waters response
Maxine Waters’ response will be broadcast on BET, which means it’s a controlled environment. She will probably deviate from the party line because her job is to deliver a straw man attack. Her go-to topics are typically
He’s a racist
He’s a sexist
He’s a liar
If you’re unfamiliar with her modus operandi, there are videos on YT. She whips herself up into a frenzy of blind rage, then spreads that rage to others. When backed into a corner, she distracts through intimidation and noise.