Were there jidf from israel sending him muhsynagoguebombing tier faggot texts?
Would not put it past these retards.
Were there jidf from israel sending him muhsynagoguebombing tier faggot texts?
Would not put it past these retards.
fucking shills have lost any coherence.
no the bitch is just trying to shuck and jive after ratting off his mouth about barron and melaina.
On fucking principle alone between individuals, this faggot needs to be hauled in.
DNA is a database for future reference.
Putting these niggaz together is for pushing them out together - under our judges who actually enforce the law, this is the only outcome. There will be no 'assets' slipping through because of separations.
Get it?
That's their favorite one.
Matches with other astrosurfing kike faggots online.
'causing division'