Anonymous ID: 5c36af June 20, 2018, 11:37 a.m. No.1832303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2338 >>2340 >>2495 >>2516 >>2673



City of Berkeley demands forced depopulation to halt climate change “crisis” that it claims is worse than the Holocaust


Leave it to the liberals to not only engage in mass hysteria over purported climate changes, but to also call for a host of ridiculous, overbearing government efforts to put a band-aid on the problem. Berkeley City Council members just put forth a motion, proclaiming that there is a global climate emergency — and they’re calling it the “the greatest crisis in history.” The drama doesn’t end there; according to the loony leftists, climate change is responsible for more devastation to humanity than World War II — which is considered the deadliest conflict in history.


The Berkeley City Council claims that the U.S. has “disproportionately contributed to the climate and ecological crises and to preventing a transition away from fossil fuels, and Americans thus bear an extraordinary responsibility to solve the crises.” Among these “extraordinary responsibilities” is a call to thin the herd, at the behest of a city council from one of the most liberal cities in the country.


Hardly representative of the rest of the nation (and the rest of the scientific community, for that matter), the Council declared that depopulation efforts are our best chance at turning back time. The Council’s resolution stated “reversing ecological overshoot and halting the sixth mass extinction requires an effort to preserve and restore half Earth’s biodiversity in interconnected wildlife corridors and to humanely stabilize population.”


Is there really a way to humanely stabilize the population? Further, isn’t it a bit of a stretch to say that the government needs to get involved with how many children people are having? In May of 2018, it was revealed that birth rates in the U.S. have already reached a 30-year low. Perhaps the Council didn’t know that when they made their over-zealous suggestion?


But it’s not just the Council’s call to shrink the population that’s a problem: The entire document reeks of dramatization and hysteria. The Council proposes that climate change “has been linked to the Syrian War, the rise of Boko Haram in Nigeria, as well as the famines, water shortages, and resulting conflict in Yemen, Somalia, and South Sudan,” and essentially argues that global warming is responsible for virtually every problem and conflict that plagues the world today.


Perhaps the opioid epidemic here in the U.S. was caused by climate change, too?


And it’s not just the present the Council is worrying about; the document alleges that a collapse of the Greenland Ice Shelf would lead to billions of “climate refugees” around the world.


Despite the Council’s confidence in claiming that humanity is in dire straits and disaster is imminent if we don’t follow Berkeley’s lead, there is much controversy surrounding the notion of global warming and climate change. Earlier this year, it was revealed that climate change predictions have already been proven inaccurate. Estimates suggest that the effects of human activity on global temperatures have been overstated by nearly 50 percent — that’s a substantial error in calculations, and it means that we are not on the doomsday clock quite yet (at least as far as climate goes).


Multiple studies have shown that climate change predictions are wrong and in fact, the most popular climate change theory is based on fraud, not fact.


As Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and director of CWC Labs, reported in 2017:


The IPCC, it turns out, used science fraud to promote global warming and “climate change” narratives, hoping no one would notice that the entire software model was essentially HACKED from the very beginning, deliberately engineered to produce the alarming temperature trend the world’s bureaucrats wanted so they could terrorize the world into compliance with climate change narratives.


If climate change is a fraud, what does that make Berkeley City Council?

Anonymous ID: 5c36af June 20, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.1832324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2565


Harvard Medical School: White doctors not welcome here anymore; school to focus on “putting people of color in power”

Anonymous ID: 5c36af June 20, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.1832334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2363

Big Pharma vaccine billionaire just bought the LA Times… yet another example of the media being run by pharma

Anonymous ID: 5c36af June 20, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.1832368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2386 >>2398 >>2605



As Mexicans Were Busy Celebrating World Cup Win, Mexico Gov't Approved Privatizad Water


As Mexicans celebrated a historic win against World Cup defending champions, Germany, Mexico's federal government of Enrique Peña Nieto has cleared the way for the extraction of water in 300 areas, making up 55 percent of Mexican surface water, by companies within the mining, fracking and oil industries for the next 50 years, a move that is being described by some as “water privatization.”


The new 10 presidential decrees, published on June 5, lift 295 out of the 756 decades-long prohibitions on extracting water from previously protected basins, which coincide with areas where mining, fracking and other extractive activities are planned.


The new measure puts at risk individual farmers and agrarian organizations, who are already preparing appeals against losing their permits to use the water, Pedro Moctezuma, from the “Agua para todos” (“Water for All”) coalition and the sustainability research program of Autonomous University of Mexico (UAM), told Sin Embargo.


It allows home and public use of the water reserves in urban areas, paving the way for local governments to license the use of water to private enterprises, including industrial purposes, as it happens in Veracruz, Puebla, Saltillo and other municipalities, said Moctezuma.


But the government denies this is about the privatization of water and defends the measure.


The decrees were announced by President Enrique Peña Nieto along with an interesting and surprising figures, the Environment Secretary Rafael Pacchiano, the director of the National Water Commission (Conagua) Roberto Ramirez de la Parra and the President of the World Wildlife Foundation (WFF) in Mexico, Jorge Rickards, and its CEO Carter Roberts.


“These decrees represent a vision for the future, since they provide a sustainable path for these areas that will prevent serious over-exploitation, pollution and scarcity that we live in many rivers of the country,” said Rickards.


"Water is not for sale." A group of people protest against the privatization of water on World Water Day in Mexico City. March 22, 2018. Photo | EFE


The WWF directors said the new decrees will guarantee water for the basins' flora and fauna at the same time it will provide resources for current and future “productive activities.”


This might be true for them, given that one of WWF's main sponsors is Coca-Cola, a company with special interests in Mexico's market and water reserves.


The government used the presence and participation of the WWF to validate their policies and claim the decrees are “in the name of conservation.”


Social organizations and activists had previously blocked the new General Law of Water, which allowed for water decanting and the privatization of water. Now, the new measure lifts extractive prohibitions and allows decanting such as the Cutzamala system that takes water to Mexico City from the surrounding state of Mexico.


Moctezuma said the transportation of water would be charged to Odebrecht and Barcelona Waters in the basins of Actopan and Antigua rivers, and that the prohibitions were lifted in areas where energy-related activities are planned, like the basin of the San Fernando Soto La Marina river, located in the states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon.


The decrees invalidates about 50,000 previous water concessions granted for life to agrarian and rural communities decades ago, in favor of urban areas.


Besides, neither basic human rights nor the rights of Indigenous peoples close to the basins were taken into account, despite Mexico being a signatory to international convention that requiring consultations with Native people on such issues.


The decrees state that the water concessions will be given on a first-come first-served basis, and experts think that they will benefit the big energy and mining companies.

Anonymous ID: 5c36af June 20, 2018, 11:45 a.m. No.1832411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2643

Child Human Trafficking? Sessions Proposes DNA Tests For Border Migrants



Anonymous ID: 5c36af June 20, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.1832449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wireless Carriers Hope You Won't Notice Their Location Data Scandal Makes The Facebook, Cambridge Fracas Look Like Amateur Hour

Anonymous ID: 5c36af June 20, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.1832571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2828 >>2907

The Damaging Effects Of 5G WiFi On Your Health


Solutions Exist


You can use a wired connection, which is very fast and in most cases faster than a wireless connection. Minimize your cell phone use, and perhaps look into some devices that may be used to block the biological effects this stuff is, does, and can have on us.


FactSheets:What Parents Need to Know About Wireless Radiation,


American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendation Protect The Ones You Love Card English,Spanish


BabySafe Project: “Reduce Your Wireless Exposure”English Brochure, Spanish Brochure


New Jersey Education Association “Minimize health risks from electronic devices”Article,PDF of Recommendations

Anonymous ID: 5c36af June 20, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.1832626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter Takes 20 Hours to Remove Tweet Advocating Murder of ICE Agents