Anonymous ID: e42c81 June 20, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.1832892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2936



Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties to Over 30 Major News Organizations?

The ProPublica stories are thoroughly researched by top-notch staffers who used to work at some of the biggest news outlets in the nation. But the topics are almost laughably left-wing. The site’s proud list of “Our Investigations” includes attacks on oil companies, gas companies, the health care industry, for-profit schools and more. More than 100 stories on the latest lefty cause: opposition to drilling for natural gas by hydraulic fracking. Another 100 on the evils of the foreclosure industry.


Throw in a couple investigations making the military look bad and another about prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and you have almost the perfect journalism fantasy – a huge budget, lots of major media partners and a liberal agenda unconstrained by advertising.


One more thing: a 14-person Journalism Advisory Board, stacked with CNN’s David Gergen and representatives from top newspapers, a former publisher of The Wall Street Journal and the editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster. Several are working journalists, including:


• Jill Abramson, a managing editor of The New York Times;


• Kerry Smith, the senior vice president for editorial quality of ABC News;


• Cynthia A. Tucker, the editor of the editorial page of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


ProPublica is far from the only Soros-funded organization that is stacked with members of the supposedly neutral press.