maybe there's a travel warning as some pol or other "famous" or "elite" figure is heading down there to make a deal
maybe there's a travel warning as some pol or other "famous" or "elite" figure is heading down there to make a deal
Editor of major newspaper says he planted stories for CIA
Dr. Ulfkotte says the corruption of journalists and major news outlets by the CIA is routine, accepted, and widespread in the western media, and that journalists who do not comply either cannot get jobs at any news organization, or find their careers cut short.
Dr. Ulfkotte is the author of a book currently available only in German, “Bought Journalists” (Kopp 2014.) Aged 55, he was also once an advisor to the government of German Chancellor Helmet Kohl.
Among the stories Ulfkotte says he was ordered to plant in his newspaper over the years was a story that Libyan President Moammar Gaddafi was building poison gas factories in 2011. Ulfkotte also claims he was an eyewitness to Saddam Hussein’s use of poison gas against Iranians in the war between Iran and Iraq, but that the editors he worked for at the time were not interested, because Iraq was a US ally at the time.
Udo Ulfkotte (20 January 1960 – 13 January 2017)
maybe Tim likes the Grecian Formula
They had it right the first time.
The Washington Post changed the headline on its Al-Baghdadi obituary from “Islamic State’s terrorist-in-Chief” to “austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State.”
While many celebrated the death of the serial rapist and murderer, the Washington Post left many confused by giving him the title of “austere religious scholar at the helm of the Islamic State.”
The Post acknowledged Baghdadi led ISIS with “shocking brutality” but focused much of its obituary on his academic career. “The man who would become the founding leader of the world’s most brutal terrorist group spent his early adult years as an obscure academic, aiming for a quiet life as a professor of Islamic law,” the Post wrote.
The reasons behind the newspaper's decision to tout Baghdadi’s academic career rather than his brutal leadership were unclear. The first version of the story described Baghdadi as the “Islamic State’s terrorist-in-chief,” before it was changed to “austere religious scholar.”
totally satire, but anon wonders if things like this have happened
As the investigation continued, the BATFE compiled more evidence, shocked to find one of the members had even managed to steal nuclear waste from radiological equipment at a local hospital in an effort to make a dirty bomb. It was at this time the BATFE decided to make their move. Their plan was simple, “At the meeting before the first attack, we had planned on sending in a tactical team to bring down the group. It didn’t work as we had planned,” Puppopper said. “We sent in a team, and it immediately resulted in a large scale gunfight. People were screaming, shouting, yelling things like FBI, DHS, Secret Service as the bloodshed continued.” What Puppopper didn’t know, however, was that the people screaming the names of Federal Agencies were actually undercover agents from those agencies. “It turns out all the members were federal agents,” Puppopper told us. “We managed to trigger a gunfight with the other federal agents, and it resulted in the death of five of our agents, four FBI agents, and three homeland security agents. Moving forward in the future, we really need better communication between agencies,” Puppopper said.
that bird is a good bit sw of the plane graveyard of which anon speaks…
only thing floating around there now mil is a USAF C27 GECKO89
>Trump put all the people in place that stole the election
that way when the hammer stroke falls
it falls hardest on all