God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
Q+ tells world in code Bill Maher is a pedophile
Anons know what 'liddle' means.
Idris Elba is awake! Fuck yeah Idris! Humanity is Unity!
Idris Elba Rejects Identity Politics, Reveals He No Longer Refers To Himself As A Specifically Black Actor: "I Donโt Want To Be The First Black, Iโm The First Idris".
"Patriots have no skin color" - Q
"Oh no!"
You're projecting.
Now you're projecting your own desire to 'negate' the concept of a 'chosen one' thereby sublating the concept for yourself.
We see you.
Today's 'FISA works both ways' day.
Liddle' Adam Schiff.
Q+ truths Liddle' Bill Maher.
Some wear them for symbolism, others wear them for innocent fun.
Anons know the difference.
The notion that people posting Anonymously, are in any way successfully acquiring 'fame', is fookin' retahded.
It's clear you're triggered that Anons know, thereby nullifying your cringe failed pathetic attempt.
You're projecting your own self division from humanity that occurs first, that then sources you 'seeing' millions and millions and millions of people you never met as dividing themselves from you.
Humanity is Unity.
Projection again.
How's Kiev?
>obviously most of society believes we're 'deplorables' and ignorant
Kek, that's false.
Most of 'society' isn't who the fake news pretends is the majority.
>Swordy was the first I destroyed.
LOL, sorry is the first projection session exposing you godbless haters.
Kek, the same cult smearing Musk as 'allowing a rise' of anti-Semitism on Twitter is the same cult sourcing the division.
So Anon takes it you're not doing so well.
You'll never win as long as you are self-negating.
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
Good people of all faiths are welcome and have been welcome during the entire history of America.
> you wouldn't need to be reminded every day via lack of faith.
If swordy and 'God bless' were as ineffective and as bad as you say, then you wouldn't need to remind everyone everyday of what you're doing now.
You'd be as silent as you're calling on others to be.
You're posting inconsistent self-negations.
You may believe you're successfully persuading Anons that you're speaking of someone or something outside yourself, but in reality everyone sees you're in fact talking about your own psychology, nothing more.
Q was right.
It was over before it began.
Down they all go.
Humanity is Unity
You keep projecting.
They're muhjoo'ing on 8kun and they're muhjoo'ing on Twitter, then they smear and slander 8kun and Twitter with 'anti'-joo narrative, all because they fear uncensored truth platforms that are exposing their evil.
You are a source of the very 'famefag' narrative you claim to be 'destroying'.
Swordy meme is posted Anonymously.
You're trying to control Anon's minds by casting a spell of 'destroying' what you are bringing forth.
After all these years, God bless continues, and will continue despite your attempts to silence.
You talk about free speech, yet you seem to want to stop the free speech of who you label 'board shills'.