It’s the best speculation atm. Relying on lots of hope and copium… but still a good reason to be optimistic about this whole mess.
I wonder if any of Them have figured out that the fraudulent Checks They Kite to themselves off the backs of We the People… just might actually come to an end someday soonishly eventually???
After you?
It’s like a Whole of Government approach to using treason and yet expecting to remain relevant afterwards.
You know it, anon.
As for me… i don’t really give a fuck about the money anymore, but no way am I giving Them one more cent. I only kinda look forward to a near future where They try to show up at my shack to collect their Hero Pay… and i just laugh at the fifty guns pointed in my face.
I don’t really want anything like that… but i can promise, i’d get the best belly laugh of my life.
I have seen Them giggle a bit when they see an innocent person being beaten for not following orders from stupid men in LEO costumes. But all of that is a very ugly soup of shit i have no interest in cooking up for Them, just to get some laughs.
Just the beginning sounds of the sicko criminals at the CDC getting their neck snapped?
I live for the shitwinds, Bubbles.
Kinda like They circle-jerk Themselves.
The simple fact that DJT is still alive after tossing Their Game over so wonderfully… does kinda say a lot to my way of thinking.