Anonymous ID: 2b0a7e Feb. 11, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.18326834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6836 >>6912 >>7266

Who Benefitted From This Chaos?


Two years ago on this day, I posted a piece that was very hard to write. It concerned precisely who was benefiting from the lockdowns, masking, and all that was associated with it, including school and business closures and travel restrictions.


As much as we would all prefer for everyone to be concerned about big issues like public health and human rights, it’s sadly the case that industrial interests (and even ruling-class evildoers) sometimes prevail over both.


Obviously, most people all over the world have lost so much over three years, not only health and income but also hope. It’s tragic. Meanwhile, many others seem to have made out like bandits during the biggest transfer of wealth in the shortest time in the history of humanity.


Many groups and sectors had a kind of hankering for a pandemic. They turned a widespread and mostly manageable pathogen—doctor/patient relationships and reasonable cautions on the part of the vulnerable—and converted it into the basis for a global panic of compulsion and coercion that overthrew centuries of progress in law and liberty.


Let’s just go through the list of beneficiaries I first compiled two years ago.


1. The tech companies that became so enraptured with the digital world—and we can include online retailers in this—that they forgot all the people who cannot and do not want to live entirely outside the physical world. To be sure, many of these high flying companies are now coming back to earth thanks to higher interest rates. Even Zoom may be falling on hard times. To which I say: Schadenfreude.


2. The pharmaceutical companies with hundreds of billions of investment in labs and distribution circles that wanted to ply their wares in the midst of emergencies, in addition to the PCR testing industry, not to mention mask and ventilator makers and so many other grifting companies in this space. They not only gain from tremendous subsidies and indemnification from damages; they even got governments to conscript their customer base.


3. Public health intellectuals, who for at least a decade and a half had fallen for the romance of computer modeling, were itching to try out a new method for disease mitigation. They must have gotten quite a kick out of watching the experiment tried out in real time. Speaking of: we haven’t heard from these people in a very long time. They seem conveniently very quiet. Notice how the prophets of doom who were all over the news three years ago, with their magic ability to see the future with precision, have completely vanished?


4. The mega-billionaire Bill Gates found himself vexed by computer viruses that were wrecking his Windows operating system and thereby developed a passion for blocking viruses in general, while failing to understand the difference between biology and computer hardware. He seems to have done very well for himself, not only with his investments but now with his new book telling us how he will single-handedly change the path of the global climate.


5. Government officials certainly had a field day trying out new uses of power. My goodness, they even got their mitts on social media, scripting who gets to speak and who cannot. The national security state hasn’t had this much fun since the Cold War. It was, in short, the most successful ramp up of government power the world over in modern times or maybe ever. Disease panic proved more advantageous to them than ever war and economic depression.

Anonymous ID: 2b0a7e Feb. 11, 2023, 1:04 p.m. No.18326876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6880 >>6911 >>6912 >>7266

14 out of 15 different political orientation tests diagnose ChatGPT answers to their questions as exhibiting a clear preference to provide left-leaning viewpoints.


The Political Bias of ChatGPT – Extended Analysis

Anonymous ID: 2b0a7e Feb. 11, 2023, 1:09 p.m. No.18326898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6912 >>7266

Emails Show National Archives Secretly Coordinated with Biden’s Lawyers to Retrieve Classified Docs from Penn Biden Center Before Midterm Elections


The National Archives on Friday released 74 pages of emails showing an Archives lawyer coordinating with President Joe Biden’s attorneys to secretly retrieve classified materials from the Penn Biden Center before the 2022 midterm elections.


According to House oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY), the Archives was previously instructed by either the White House or the Department of Justice (DOJ) to hide initial revelations of the Biden classified document scandal from the American people.


In addition, the establishment media reported at least three times that Biden and the DOJ agreed to hide the scandal from public view with likely no plans to disclose it until the scandal was leaked to CBS News on January 9, weeks after the initial trove was found by Biden’s personal lawyers November 2.


The emails released Friday due to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by Bloomberg, show the Archives secretly coordinating with and accommodating Biden’s personal attorneys to retrieve classified records. The emails also show questions were raised about whether classified materials were also stored in Boston and Philadelphia.


The initial reason or cause for the search at the Penn Biden Center by Biden’s attorneys remains unknown.


The emails indicate Biden’s personal attorneys and Archives lawyer Gary Stern had a “conversation” as early as November 4 about the classified scandal.


On November 7, one day before the midterm elections, Stern emailed Biden’s personal lawyers Bob Bauer and Pat Moore to arrange a time to secretly collect materials in a “US Gov van” from the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC.


“Bob/Pat, following our conversation on Friday, we would like to make arrangements for our staff to come back to the DC PennBiden Center space to assess the remaining boxes and take custody of whichever ones we deem appropriate for further review,” Stern wrote Bauer and Moore.


A second email from November 7 shows more accommodation from the Archives. Stern asked Biden’s lawyers if personnel from the Archives could return to the Penn Biden Center “to assess the remaining boxes and take custody of whichever ones we deem appropriate for further review.”


Bauer said the Archives could return and pick up more documents the next day, and noted that he was “also currently checking to determine whether there are any similar materials in the Pennsylvania Penn-Biden space, and we will report back to you today.”


Stern also told Moore to ensure the boxes of materials were kept in a secure location. “Please ensure that the boxes in your office in Boston remain secure in a locked space and are not accessed by anyone,” he said in relation to the Boston location.


The emails come after the Archives failed to provide information about the document scandal to Comer before the January 24 deadline. Comer called the missed deadline “very disappointing.”


Comer has also said the Archives was previously instructed by either the White House or the DOJ to hide initial revelations of the Biden classified document scandal from the American people.


“There are only two people that could have given those orders, and that’s either the Department of Justice with [Attorney General] Merrick Garland or the White House with Joe Biden,” Comer told Fox News.


“I don’t think we would know about these documents had it not been for investigative reporting, so we want to know why the administration wasn’t transparent sooner,” Comer said.


Emails Show National Archives Secretly Coordinated with Biden’s Lawyers to Retrieve Classified Docs from Penn Biden Center Before Midterm Elections

Anonymous ID: 2b0a7e Feb. 11, 2023, 1:15 p.m. No.18326925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Terror Attacks? Angela Merkel Handed UN Peace Prize for Open Borders Policy


Angela Merkel has been awarded a peace prize for her open borders approach to the European migrant crisis in 2015.


Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, has been awarded UNESCO’s Félix Houphouët-Boigny peace prize over her decision to open Germany’s borders to migrants in 2015.


It is the second United Nations prize the former Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader has won in recent months for her open borders approach to the crisis, despite the violent and even deadly consequences the decision had for a significant number of Europeans.


According to a report by POLITICO, Merkel was awarded the prize at a ceremony in the Ivory Coast, with UNESCO director-general Audrey Azoulay praising her “courageous decision” to allow 1.2 million people to freely enter the country.


“You took risks… you put the Universal Declaration of Human Rights into action,” she said.


Merkel thanked the organisation for the award, emphasising that the ongoing war in Ukraine will further challenge the entirety of Europe.


“We had thought that the time of war in Europe had passed,” the former Chancellor remarked. “But since the 24th of February of last year, which is when Russia’s vicious aggression on Ukraine took place, we have come to the sad conclusion that that’s not the case.”


“This has shaken Europe to its roots,” she added.

Anonymous ID: 2b0a7e Feb. 11, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.18326960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7266

‘SOROS’ And Senator Obama Funding Records Discovered For Ukraine BioLab That Sparked BioTerrorism Fears


'SOROS' Is Spelled In ALL CAPS


A notorious Ukraine biolab revealed that it received funding from the “SOROS Foundation” in a company document obtained by NATIONAL FILE. The Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute in Odessa, Ukraine is located at the spot of an old secretive Soviet biological weapons plant. The Institute is now under the banner of the Ukraine Ministry of Health. Then-senator Barack Obama also announced a deal in 2005 to fund the Institute, according to records. The Institute handles deadly microbes and also works on developing vaccines, and it has sparked concern that it be used to supply bioterrorism in the region.


The “Ukrainian I.I. Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute in Odessa, Ukraine (MINISTRY OF HEALTH)” reported “SOROS Foundation” funding, with “SOROS” in capital letters. The document is marked as having been produced by the Institute, with Institute staff listed as contacts.


Progressive billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations is officially known as the “Soros Foundation” in some parts of the world including at the foundation’s offices in Almaty in Kazakhstan, Chisinau in Moldova, and Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan. George Soros’ family members also have foundations that use the name Soros.


There were safety problems and problematic handling of deadly microbes at the Odessa location, and NBC News even reported on the safety concerns back in 2005 during the Bush administration. The plant has a reportedly “deadly legacy” and has sparked fear that its pathogens could be used for black-market bioterrorism. Of course, then-Illinois senator Barack Obama and a Republican senator announced an agreement to fund the Mechnikov lab during the Bush administration.


“The Institute has strong collaborative research connections with organizations from around the world, and it receives financial support from a variety of international organizations including STCU, SOROS Foundation, Civilian Research and Development Foundation, NEDA and the University of London,” the document states.


Here is a list of Archived U.S. State Department records obtained by NATIONAL FILE that show the U.S. Department of Defense funding Ukrainian labs (the article continues below after the list of links):

Anonymous ID: 2b0a7e Feb. 11, 2023, 1:48 p.m. No.18327120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7266

Coalition heads: Netanyahu impeachment amounts to military coup


The heads of the coalition parties condemned the debate surrounding the possible impeachment of PM Netanyahu in an open letter.


The heads of the coalition parties published a statement on Saturday which strongly condemned the discussions in the High Court of Justice about a possible impeachment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


"The heads of the coalition parties strongly reject the illegitimate discussion in the High Court regarding the 'impeachment' of the Prime Minister," the heads wrote. "This is an illegal attempt to oust a sitting prime minister, which is no different from a military coup. No judicial entity, including the High Court, has even a fraction of legal authority for such an action. Only the people will elect the prime minister.


"And only the people, through their representatives in the Knesset, will decide whether to terminate his term. The people and their representatives will never accept a discussion in the courts about the possibility of a coup. They will never accept an illegal judicial annulment of the elections and the sovereignty of the people. Harming the Israeli democracy is an act that has a black flag flying over it, even when it is done under the cover of legal robes," the letter concluded.


The letter was signed by Yariv Levin (Likud), Aryeh Deri (Shas), Bezalel Smotrich (Religious Zionist Party), Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit), Yitzhak Goldknopf and Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) and Avi Maoz (Noam).

Discussions about impeachment


At the end of January, it was reported that the A-G was considering impeaching PM Netanyahu after the NGO Movement for Quality Government in Israel petitioned the High Court. The letter by the coalition heads comes as a direct response to a High Court order stating that the PM and his A-G have to respond to the petition by next month.


Opposition leader MK Yair Lapid responded to the letter, saying that "24 hours after a terrible attack that claimed the lives of two children and another young man, and after another rocket at the residents of the south from the Gaza Strip, what do the detached coalition leaders choose to deal with? The Prime Minister's legal problems.


"More than anything else this proves why a prime minister with indictments and ministers who are convicted felons cannot continue to serve. Because they are busy only with themselves and with their personal interests. I suggest to the heads of the coalition to stop the crazy legislation and start dealing with the State of Israel," Lapid said.


"The Movement for the Quality of Government rejects with disgust the announcement of the coalition leaders, said the Movement for Quality Government in Israel. "Some of these party leaders are convicted criminals who do not recognize the supremacy of the rule of law and do not recognize the fact that the Basic Law: The Government determines the mechanism of the impeachment of the prime minister and does not even recognize the authority of the Supreme Court to decide on these issues, as they did in the case of the convicted criminal, Aryeh Deri."


"[Netanyahu] is in a sharp conflict of interest both personally and institutionally and his actions to completely destroy the justice system are better evidence than a thousand witnesses for the need to immediately impeach him," the statement concluded.


"Two children and a 20-year-old man are murdered in an attack, alerts in the south, terrorism is rampant and the heads of the coalition once again sign a letter of loyalty, not to the state, but to Netanyahu," wrote Labor Chairwoman MK Merav Michaeli on Twitter. "This government belongs to politicians who only see themselves and work only for themselves. So much detachment and so much damage."

Anonymous ID: 2b0a7e Feb. 11, 2023, 2:12 p.m. No.18327263   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Devil Holding a Skull


This is a really very beautiful, very subtle object, sculpted with great virtuosity. The devil is duplicitous, he holds forth the torch of love while hiding the skull of death behind his back. His loins are covered in scales, he has wings like a bat, claws on his toes and horns in his spiky hair. I think it is a late 17th- or early 18th-century French piece, meant for collectors. It was probably for meditating upon, but it would also have been an amusing, even funny, piece.