Anonymous ID: b2efce Feb. 11, 2023, 1:14 p.m. No.18326919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7266

took notes on Grassley testimony in Weaponization hearing.

just sharing.


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Sounds like fiction spy thriller but it actually happened and in our own govt.

Past few years never seen so much effort from FBI partisan media and democrats to undermine legitamte inquiries

triad of disinfo and outright falsehoods

Crossfire hurricane.

DNC + Clinton campaign colluded with russia.

now, the most recent effort of thetriadto silence grassley johnson ongoing biden fam investigation.


that investigation started


when i was chmn of sen finance comm with a letter to treasury dept.

about a questionable financial tranaction subject to for investment committee related to biden family.

as the investigation continued, democrats and partisan media began their attacks.

this is where the spy thriller begins to heat up.



minority leader schumer, warner, pelosi, shiff sent letter with classified attachment to the fbi

expressed a purported belief that congress was subejct to a foreign disinfo campaign. letter targeted grassley johnson investigation.

the classified attachment included unclassified element that attempted and failed to tie work to russian agent andre tirkash (sp?)

unclassified elements were leaked to the press.

to support fake news narrative that johnson and grassley were relying on a russian agent and thus advancing russian disinfo.

of course it was pure nonsense.

then Schiff claimed without evidence oversight work was rooted in russian disinfo. Schiff left out investigation relied on official obama records and us intel info.


then blumenthal wrote wapo oped accusing perpetuating russian disinfo

then schumer and wyden offered resolution disparaging biden investigation. calling grassley and johnson russian stoooges.



then ranking members wyden and peters wrote letter to G and J for a briefing from FBI FITF. Gand J staff had already had a briefing. purpose of additional briefing was used to undermine investigatino


<Aug 2020

FBI caved and had briefing.

So the contents of the briefing could be leaked to wapo

leak connected the leak to the investigation

WSJ editorial caught it.

was only done so the dems could smear and FBI wrongly did dem's bidding.

Wray still hasn't provided documents related to that briefing


another example of Dem disinfo campaign invovled

George Kent

transcribed interview with GK

before interview dems acquired info from russian agent mentioned earlier.

Dems asked Kent about the info. Kent said info was russian disinfo.

the dems introduced russian disinformation from the russians into the record.


They all failed to stop G and R investigation


released first biden investigation report.

made public treasury records.



released 2nd report

exposed extensive financial relationship between hunter/james biden connected to CCP

Chinese nationals connected to CCP mil and intel


then acquired MOAR records to substantiate previoues acquired evidence.

how were the chinks supposed to be paid?

according to bank records there were wires from companies linked to the communist regime


in 3 floor speeches made bank records public.

shared hundreds of bank records.


the fbi created an assesment, same month FBI briefing

that assessment was used by FBI HQ to improperly discredit negative hunter biden information as disinfo


<sep 2020

those fbi hq personnel began placing their analysis of credibility of reporting on biden family in a restricted access sub file.

wfo improperly ortderd info closed related to hunters conduct in oct 2020 even though it was verified/verifiable


other whistleblowers have significant evidence with respect to potential criminal conduct .