Hey what's up anons, work was brutal today, just got home. Wasn't able to monitor during the day. just briefed over couple of Q's posts.
This seems correct to me regarding (in general) the 302's: 1) 302's are reports that an f_b_i agent submits as the official interview/questioning of a witness and/or suspect. The interviewing is ALWAYS done by 2 agents who take notes in the field or office. The final report is the "302" which goes to higher up to consider charges-no charges against witness/suspect. When the 302 is written up, it is done so by the senior of the 2 agents. THIS IS THE POINT where alterations, changes and omissions OCCURRED by Strzok. Because I think his partner is begging to testify to the house. Meaning Strzok changed the referral for Gen. Flynn or McCabe or both. Don't beat me up if wrong. Gonna go back and reread b/c if Q says re-read, there is most certainly a reason. Ill hang here for 20 mins then search, Thanks.