The coming mandatory Lock downs (Phase 2)
Q) So many emails sent to me from Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. with headlines of a dangerous spreading fungus. The WHO have even mentioned it. Is it that your prediction is now coming to fruition?
A) Yes, the news is spreading as quickly as they say the fungus is. Look upon this with Joy, not dread. For indeed, it is good news. In that, Phase Two is to be implemented sooner rather than later.
Q) Which, with respect, means sweet nothing, due to your ‘soon’ not being the same as ours.
A) Either way, in the context of the phrase ‘sooner rather than later’, it is accurate.
Q) Are you able to tell us more about it? The fungus itself, or the plan to shut us away because of it?
A) It is known by us via Energy … so intricate details cannot be specific.
Q) To be honest, blunt, and disrespectful, I am quite surprised that it is even being mentioned at all. Due to Divine timing, much that we are waiting for through your news bulletins … are still being waited for. So, I’m thrilled!
A) Yet?
Q) Yet, still uncertain that it will turn into a worldwide lockdown.
A) Something has to be the cause, and the fear is already being generated which will grow exorbitantly over the coming months. So that by the time the ‘remain in your homes’ is implemented … news of this fungus and its ‘claws’ will have spread far and wide and created enough fear necessary for people to ‘do as they are told’.
Q) Yet, is it not that so many now, having experienced this over the last few years, simply will not comply?
A) There is indeed this possibility … and those that choose not to will be doing so because they ‘KNOW’. Yet, this does not mean to say that to be ‘shut in/shut down’ is not necessary … for THIS particular ‘excuse’ is for the Greater Good of all.
THIS particular fear tactic has an underlying attachment which again, as we say, is necessary for all to remain indoors for their safety and yet, this safety via confinement has nothing to do with a fungus. As we say, this is merely a camouflage.
Q) I know you have said that it is in order for the Truth to be revealed in ways of screen time, and for us to be shown what REALLY IS going on. So much anger/frustration etc. will stir up in the large majority when Truths are discovered, that it is for our safety that the military be on the streets etc … to keep control of the masses that could so easily become out of control. This again, I have heard about for so long yet, it still feels hard to accept that something like this is actually EVER going to happen
A) Then, all we can say to you is … wait and see.