Anonymous ID: f14b1f Feb. 12, 2023, 7:06 a.m. No.18331687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1708 >>1760 >>1802 >>1854


>Back in 2017, when Amy Coney Barrett was undergoing confirmation hearings for her nomination to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein expressed concern about Judge Barrett’s devotion to her Catholic faith.



>SPLC uh? Anons, how does one find out where the money comes from for a shit operation like the SPLC?


Who Controls America?


Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?


The Southern Poverty Law Center:


Senior Program Staff:


J. Richard Cohen(Ashkenazi Jew) – President


Morris S. Dees(White European) – Founder, Chief Trial Attorney


Mary C. Bauer(Ashkenazi Jew) – Legal Director


Mark A. Potok(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director, Intelligence Project


Lecia J. Brooks(Negro lesbian) – Director of Outreach


Maureen B. Costello(White European) – Teaching Tolerance Director


Hate and Extremism:


Heidi L. Beirich(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director of Research


Joseph T. Roy(White European) – Chief Investigator


Immigrant Justice:


Daniel Werner(Ashkenazi Jew) – Deputy Legal Director


Mónica Ramírez-Guerrero(Mestizo) – Director, Esperanza: The Immigrant Women’s Legal Initiative


Kristi L. Graunke(Ashkenazi Jew) – Senior Staff Attorney

(no picture available)


Andrew H. Turner(Ashkenazi Jew) – Senior Staff Attorney

(no picture available)


James M. Knoepp(Ashkenazi Jew) – Senior Staff Attorney

(no picture available)


Children at Risk:


Sheila A. Bedi(Indian) – Deputy Legal Director


David J. Utter(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director, Florida Initiatives


Jody Owens II(Negro) – Director, Mississippi Initiatives

(no picture available)


Marion D. Chartoff(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director, Alabama Education Project

(no picture available)


Jerri Katzerman(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director, Educational Advocacy

(no picture available)


Danielle J. Lipow(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director, Juvenile Justice Policy Group


Teaching Tolerance:


Sean Price(Ashkenazi Jew) – Managing Editor

(no picture available)


Thomas Ronk(Ashkenazi Jew) – Curriculum Design Manager


LGBT Rights:


Samuel Wolfe(Ashkenazi Jew) – Staff Attorney, LGBT Rights Project

Anonymous ID: f14b1f Feb. 12, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.18331708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1721 >>1760


>Who Controls America?


>Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?




Board of Directors:


Howard A. Mandell(Ashkenazi Jew) – Chairman


Lloyd “Vic” Hackley(Negro) – Vice Chairman


H. Julian Bond(Jewish spouse: Pamela S. Horowitz) – Director


Andrew Fredman(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director


Alan B. Howard(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director


Marsha A. Levick(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director


James E. McElroy(White European) – Director


Vanzetta P. McPherson(Negro) – Director


James L. Rucker(Jewish spouse: Heidi C. Hess) – Director


Ellen Sudow(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director


David I.J. Wang(Chinese) – Director


Patricia A. Clark(Mulatto) – Director


Joseph J. Levin, Jr.(Ashkenazi Jew) – Co-Founder and General Counsel



Of the twenty-two(22) Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff members, fifteen(15) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 68%. Of the thirteen(13) Southern Poverty Law Center directors, eight(8) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff members by a factor of 34 times(3,400 percent), and over-represented on the Southern Poverty Law Center board of directors by a factor of 31 times(3,100 percent).

Anonymous ID: f14b1f Feb. 12, 2023, 7:20 a.m. No.18331760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1767


>he Southern Poverty Law Center:



Donation Recipients


By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) (Other Group)

Campaign Legal Center (Non-profit) Education Fund (Non-profit)

ProGeorgia (Non-profit)

SPLC Action Fund (Non-profit) (Non-profit)


By Any Means Necessary: A Violent Marxist Cult


(Co-authored with Justin Mallone.)


When you see violent thugs rioting in the streets, you may assume they're strong, scary zealots. They claim to care deeply about strongly-held political views. They present themselves as being so inspired and motivated that they're willing to fight for their ideals.


I want you to reconsider. Most of them are ignorant victims. They are abused and controlled by a few leaders (aka "community organizers"). Just like how cults control, indoctrinate and abuse people. Most of the violent thugs are actually weak, pathetic wretches with no money, no control over their lives, and no idea what's going on. They're sad victims to be pitied, not strong zealots to be feared.


Violence is a serious matter and the police need to provide protection and arrest rioters. Don't walk up to these people for a chat; they're dangerous. But do change your perspective on them.

Yvette Felarca & BAMN


Yvette Felarca is a leader in a left-wing, American, political cult called By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). They use violence for political purposes. They indoctrinate and abuse children. They're Marxists. They've been in the news recently for violently shutting down speeches by conservatives.


The ridiculous full cult name is Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary.


BAMN was created in 1995 by Attorney Shanta Driver, in Berkeley, California, in order to oppose Proposition 209. Proposition 209 ultimately ended affirmative action in the state's university system. Affirmative action is racist – it's literally about treating people differently according to their race – so BAMN is a racist group. More about BAMN.

Anonymous ID: f14b1f Feb. 12, 2023, 7:22 a.m. No.18331767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1788


>By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) (Other Group)


Riots and Violence


BAMN participated in violent riots that shut down Milo Yiannopoulos's talk at Berkeley earlier this year, and Felarca defended the riots on TV! She said rioting was necessary to shut down Milo, who she victim-blamed as a fascist. She defined fascist as "someone who’s organizing a mass movement that’s attacking women, immigrants, black people, other minority groups in a movement of genocide." Milo hasn't called for killing anybody. Felarca is a liar who wanted violence first (to suppress ideas she hates) and made up an excuse second. BAMN's violence also led to suppressing the free speech of Ann Coulter and David Horowitz, and the students who invited them, at Berkeley.


Felarca has a history of personally participating in violence. She attacked a man and incited others to attack him at a gathering of white nationalists called the Traditionalist Workers Party in Sacramento in June 2016. That violence left seven people stabbed and nine hospitalized. A California Highway Patrol officer said Felarca's group started the violence, “If I had to say who started it and who didn’t, I’d say the permitted group didn’t start it." A statement from the California Highway Patrol agreed, saying that the Traditionalist Workers Party had obtained a permit and that "non-permitted groups confronted the permitted group, leading to violence."


And this violence is all part of a conscious strategy of, in Felarca's own words, building a "mass militant" movement.

A Danger to Children


This would all be bad enough if Felarca was a full time communist activist working for George Soros. But she's actually a teacher at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School in Berkeley. She uses her position of authority over children to recruit for BAMN during school. She pushes her political agenda when she's supposed to be teaching.


And BAMN isn't just a group of violent communists (that'd be bad enough!). It's worse. It's a cult which abuses children. BAMN lures children to join (including directly from public school) and uses intimidation, threats and force against its own members to prevent them from leaving. It has dozens of dirty tactics including lying to get people psychiatrically institutionalized when they try to leave BAMN and placing guards on people to prevent them from leaving.



There are numerous testimonials regarding BAMN's cult-like operation and recruiting methods. Secret Survivors of BAMN is a blog where people who escaped discuss their trauma and how the cult operates. They made it private after BAMN's recent rioting drew attention, but a copy remains publicly available.


I'll present three testimonials so you can judge for yourself what BAMN is really like and whether the police should shut them down:

Anonymous ID: f14b1f Feb. 12, 2023, 7:25 a.m. No.18331788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1802


>BAMN Cult

Jevon's Testimonial


Jevon (PDF mirror) is a UC Berkeley Alumni. He was recruited into BAMN at age 14 and then pressured to leave his family (in Detroit) and live with BAMN members in Oakland. BAMN said he could get legally emancipated soon after and rejoin his family if he wanted to. But after he arrived in Oakland to live with Yvette Felarca, Jevon was instructed to change his name and cut off all contact with friends, family, and even other BAMN members in Detroit. (Isolating people and cutting them off from their old life helps cults control them.)


Jevon wound up being told he could go home after some time had passed, but the time to return home never came, a charade that continued for almost a year. Eventually he reconciled with his family and his mother bought him a plane ticket back to Detroit. But cults don't let members just walk out the door:


When they realized they could not talk me out of leaving, they got physical. Yvette Felarca came into my room one night and instructed me to read out loud a statement that Shanta Driver had written and convinced me to sign about how my family was abusive. Tired of debating my decision with them, I refused. That night, Yvette and other BAMN members took turns sleeping by my bed to “make sure he doesn’t go anywhere.” They confiscated my house keys to restrict my movement.


While trying to make his flight, BAMN members tried to take away his suitcase. Then three cultists assaulted him to grab his phone to prevent him from arranging to leave. Jevon fought off the assault enough for his mom to hear what was going on over the phone, and she called the police. BAMN lied to the police who were then hostile to Jevon. He eventually managed to talk the police into letting him leave after BAMN stole all his money and ID cards.


With the help of a neighbor Jevon made it to the airport and escaped. BAMN still did what it could to punish him for leaving the cult:


When I tried to inform other BAMN members about what had happened to me, particularly other youth many of whom I had recruited and therefore felt responsible for putting at risk, I learned that BAMN had denounced me to everyone. They told people that I had went crazy and turned against the organization and went to the police and that everyone should call off all contact with me. They were also instructed to report my whereabouts to Shanta because they were looking for me to put me in a mental institution.


From talking with people afterwards, Jevon learned that BAMN had treated other people in a similar way to his own nightmare experience.

Anonymous ID: f14b1f Feb. 12, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.18331802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>SPLCuh? Anons, how does one find out where the money comes from for a shit operation like the SPLC?


>>BAMN Cult


>Jevon's Testimonial


Secret Survivors of BAMN