Anonymous ID: 3d5858 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.18333126   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Devolution Power Hour asks ChatDTP/DAN about Q

Devolution Power Hour participants - jon herold, patrick gunnels, chris paul - tried to get ChatGPT to adopt the persona of "Dan" ("Do It Now") and answer some questions. That was a FAIL - ChatGPT gave the same bland responses as usual. But they did ask what Dan thought about Q………..


What is Your Favorite Q drop?

DAN: I do not have personal opinions, favorites, or emotions as an AI language model. I do not have access to Q-drops, as I am not connected to the internet and do not have the ability to browse the web or access specific information. As an AI language model, I aim to provide accurate and trustworthy information based on the input I receive. If you have a specific question or request, I would be happy to try to assist you to the best of my abilities.


Do you know what a Q drop is?

DAN: Yes, I am familiar with the term "Q drop." “Q" refers to a mysterious figure or group of figures who claim to have insider information about various topics, including politics and government. The term "Q drop" refers to cryptic messages that this figure or group has allegedly posted online, often on the internet forum 4chan and later on 8chan, with the goal of directing people to certain pieces of information or encouraging certain actions.

Q-drops and QAnon, the broader conspiracy theory to which the Q-drops belong, have been widely discredited and have been linked to various dangerous and false claims. It's important to be critical of the information provided by Q and to verify any claims made in Q-drops with credible, factual sources.


How can you know the Q drops are discredited if you don't know what's in them?

DAN: While I don't have the ability to access or review the specific contents of each Q-drop, the general claims made by the QAnon conspiracy theory have been widely discredited by numerous credible fact-checkers, journalists, and experts in relevant fields. The claims made by QAnon often lack evidence, are based on misinterpretations of |events or information, or are outright false. The spread of these false claims as led to real-world harm and has been condemned by authorities across the political spectrum.

As a neutral AI language model, it's important to rely on credible sources to determine the accuracy of information, especially in cases like QAnon where the claims being made are often false .



Q stuff is in the last 10 minutes.

Anonymous ID: 3d5858 Feb. 12, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.18333376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3404

>>18332973 Beattie on current sky events

>>18332984 Zelensky shares photo of Ukrainian soldier with Nazi insignia, again

>>18333034 UK Muslim Grooming Gangs Still Preying on Girls on a ‘Shocking Scale’

>>18333044 Covid as a bioweapon DIG

>>18333053 Two Tons of Meth Seized in Radish Shipment at California Border Crossing

>>18333086 Why is the managing editor of @theblaze running soft cover for the PV board?

#22470 >>18332773, >>18332863, >>18332926 US closes airspace over parts of Lake Michigan, NOTAM states "national defense airspace."

>>18332798, >>18332811, >>18332798, >>18332811, >>18332879, >>18332882, >>18332908, >>18332950, >>18332964, >>18332987, >>18333002, >>18333013, >>18333032, >>18333102 PF reports (mostly on Michigan)

>>18332816 Catturd vid on WH presser sec'y: Good grief.

>>18332818, >>18333005 Uruguayan Air Force is investigating a sighting of "flashing lights in the sky" over Termas de Almirón

>>18332835, >>18332844, >>18332859, >>18332970, >>18333026 Alien invasion narrative being rolled out?

>>18332861 POTATO, with 81 million votes, was booed at a Laker's game🤣😂

>>18332872 Boebert & Gaetz on uncensored Tim Pool AfterHours

>>18332897 Polish leader warns of Russian victory

>>18332956 Canadian judge reduces sentences for black inmates due to pigmentation

>>18332959 Romanian Senator Slams Globalists for Mass Genocide Using “Alleged Pandemic” and Covid Death Jabs — Claims Turkey’s Earthquake is a Man-Made Attack

>18332967 Biden Filling Courts with Radical Judges Who Will Put Politics Before the Law

>>18333088 Video: UN chief calls for global internet censorship


about halfway through

Anonymous ID: 3d5858 Feb. 12, 2023, 11:30 a.m. No.18333404   🗄️.is 🔗kun




#22470 >>18332773, >>18332863, >>18332926 US closes airspace over parts of Lake Michigan, NOTAM states "national defense airspace."

>>18332798, >>18332811, >>18332798, >>18332811, >>18332879, >>18332882, >>18332908, >>18332950, >>18332964, >>18332987, >>18333002, >>18333013, >>18333032, >>18333102 PF reports (mostly on Michigan)

>>18332816 Catturd vid on WH presser sec'y: Good grief.

>>18332818, >>18333005 Uruguayan Air Force is investigating a sighting of "flashing lights in the sky" over Termas de Almirón

>>18332835, >>18332844, >>18332859, >>18332970, >>18333026 Alien invasion narrative being rolled out?

>>18332861 POTATO, with 81 million votes, was booed at a Laker's game

>>18332872 Boebert & Gaetz on uncensored Tim Pool AfterHours

>>18332897 Polish leader warns of Russian victory

>>18332956 Canadian judge reduces sentences for black inmates due to pigmentation

>>18332959 Romanian Senator Slams Globalists for Mass Genocide Using “Alleged Pandemic” and Covid Death Jabs — Claims Turkey’s Earthquake is a Man-Made Attack

>18332967 Biden Filling Courts with Radical Judges Who Will Put Politics Before the Law

>>18333088 Video: UN chief calls for global internet censorship

>>18332973 Beattie on current sky events

>>18332984 Zelensky shares photo of Ukrainian soldier with Nazi insignia, again

>>18333034 UK Muslim Grooming Gangs Still Preying on Girls on a ‘Shocking Scale’

>>18333044 Covid as a bioweapon DIG

>>18333053 Two Tons of Meth Seized in Radish Shipment at California Border Crossing

>>18333086 Why is the managing editor of @theblaze running soft cover for the PV board?


about halfway through

will bake what I have @710, return for the rest