Anonymous ID: 95abd7 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.18332861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2862 >>2931 >>3376 >>3404


Catturd ™@catturd2

Everybody hates Joe. Even LA.





The most popular president, in American history, with 81 million votes, was booed at a Laker's game🤣😂


0:10 / 0:20

6:48 AM · Feb 12, 2023

Anonymous ID: 95abd7 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.18332897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3376 >>3404

12 Feb, 2023 17:41

Polish leader warns of Russian victory

Ukraine will lose without "urgent help" from the West, Andrzej Duda says


Russia may win the conflict in Ukraine if the Kiev government isn’t supplied with Western weapons in the coming weeks, Polish President Andrzej Duda has said.


During an interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro on Saturday, Duda was asked if he thought the Russians could achieve victory in Ukraine.


"Yes, they can, if Ukraine doesn’t receive help very urgently," the Polish leader replied.


The Kiev authorities "don't have modern military infrastructure, but they have people,"he explained.


"If we do not send military equipment to Ukraine in the coming weeks, [Russia’s President Vladimir] Putin may win. He can win and we don’t know where he’ll stop," Duda warned.


His comments didn’t go unnoticed by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, who took to Telegram on Saturday to point out that even if Western weapons are supplied to Ukraine hurriedly – they won’t be able to change the outcome of the conflict.


The Kiev government and its foreign backers are "condemned" to defeat, she insisted, adding that the arms deliveries "won’t help you. They’ll only make things worse."


"Repentance for what they have done is the only way out for the West," Zakharova wrote.


Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal reported that NATO members, who in January promised to send dozens of main battle tanks to Ukraine, have developed "sudden misgivings" about fulfilling the pledge due, apparently, to not having enough armor to spare.


Germany said that 14 of its Leopard 2 tanks will arrive in Ukraine in late March. Berlin also announced that it was buying up almost 190 decommissioned Leopard 1s to be refurbished and sent to the front.


Poland, which has been one of the biggest backers of Ukraine among EU states, vowed to provide its neighbor with 14 Leopard 2s and 60 of its modified Soviet-era T-72 tanks.


However, such countries as the Netherlands and Denmark, which had been pressuring Germany to send its armor to Ukraine, are now claiming that they themselves can’t part with any of their Leopard 2s. Finland said it may only supply "a few" tanks, but most likely only after it joins NATO.


Western countries have also ruled out delivering F-16 fighter jets, a new demand made by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.


On Thursday, the deputy head of Zelensky’s office, Igor Zhovkva, complained to Bloomberg that the Kiev forces had "like almost zero ammunition" left due to the high intensity of fighting with the Russians in the Donbass area.


(They should let this war die, before more innocent people die)

Anonymous ID: 95abd7 Feb. 12, 2023, 11:01 a.m. No.18333182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

12 Feb, 2023 05:03

Austrian businesses not leaving Russia – ambassador

Companies have remained despite “unprecedented pressure,” the Russian envoy has said


The vast majority of Austrian companies present in Russia continue to operate even in the face of Western sanctions, the Russian ambassador to Vienna, Dmitry Lyubinsky, stated on Friday.


Most of the 650 Austrian firms working in the Russian market have stayed, the diplomat said in an interview with RIA Novosti.


Lyubinsky noted that entrepreneurs in both countries “are showing great interest in the continuation of mutually beneficial cooperation.” He added that despite facing “unprecedented pressure,” only a “handful” of Austrian companies have opted to leave Russia.


The envoy pointed at numbers which indicate that Russia remained among Austria’s top ten trade partners in 2022. It also ranked sixth in terms of export volumes “despite the desire of the Austrian authorities to freeze everything connected with Russia,” Lyubinsky stated.


Austrian businesses, in particular industries with high energy consumption, have suffered heavy losses due to anti-Russian sanctions.


The ambassador’s remarks come as imports of Russian gas to Austria approach pre-conflict levels, with Russian energy major Gazprom once again delivering the total contracted amounts.


“We are temporarily back at 100% [gas deliveries] at the moment, but have also seen volumes at 30% and below in the past,” the CFO at Austrian energy major OMV, Reinhard Florey, was quoted by Euroactiv as saying.


Austria is heavily reliant on Russian natural gas supplies, with some 80% of its domestic consumption covered by the sanctioned country.

Anonymous ID: 95abd7 Feb. 12, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.18333235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3428

12 Feb, 2023 10:15

Trump team canned election fraud study – WaPo

Research group reportedly hired by the ex-president’s campaign found some voting anomalies, but not enough to dispute Biden’s win


A research company contracted by former US President Donald Trump's team, to prove his claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, has failed to find evidence to back up the theory, the Washington Post reported Saturday, citing sources. As a result, the paper claimed, the findings were not made public or presented in court.


According to four “people familiar with the matter,” the Trump campaign hired Berkeley Research Group to look into 2020 election results in six states. The firm examined numerous factors that could vindicate the ex-president’s allegations that the election had been “stolen” from him.


“They looked at everything: change of addresses, illegal immigrants, ballot harvesting, people voting twice… voter turnout anomalies, date of birth anomalies, whether dead people voted,” one source said.


The results, however, turned out to be disappointing for the Trump campaign, sources claimed. While the firm is believed to have found some voting irregularities as well as signs that in some instances laws may have been skirted, these anomalies apparently were not enough to cast doubt on whether Joe Biden had, indeed, won the 2020 election.


“There are always errors, omissions and irregularities. It was nowhere close enough to what they wanted to prove, and it actually went in both directions,” a WaPo source explained.


As a result, none of the investigation's findings were either released to the public or in court, the report claims. Berkeley's research took place in late 2020 before Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 to stop the final ratification of the presidential election results that was taking place there.


In the run-up to and after the November 2020 election, Trump repeatedly pointed to alleged election fraud, while also attacking mail-in voting and claiming that some voting machines had been rigged. His team has filed numerous lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the election results, many of them getting dismissed, including by the US Supreme Court.


In November 2022, Trump officially announced that he would seek reelection in 2024, while vowing to “eliminate cheating” by pushing for new voter identification standards and demanding that only paper ballots must be counted.


(This sounds like Bullshit, they didn’t check the machines)