Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.18332959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2968 >>2983 >>3376 >>3404

Romanian Senator Slams Globalists for Mass Genocide Using “Alleged Pandemic” and Covid Death Jabs — Claims Turkey’s Earthquake is a Man-Made Attack


Read the transcript below:


[Translated]Dear fellow Senators,


For three years, we have been experiencing a real campaign of mass killing worldwide, either through alleged pandemics and the imminent need to inject untested vaccines that kill people, or through wars that reduce the world’s population, but rearranges international politics, realigns power poles and alters borders. We have lived to witness the production of earthquakes on command which is actually an attack on Turkey by the greatest of the world who totally disliked being set up by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey.


Moreover, his position of neutrality and mediator in the Ukrainian-Russian war deeply disturbed them, especially since


Turkey is the second great power from a military point of view within NATO. His position to block Sweden’s accession to NATO, his speech in Davos, as well as the gesture of leaving in the middle of the press conference, defying Schwab, did not remain without an echo in the cold world of leaders the world. But, no one thought that people would have to die, so many people, and in such a terrible way. And it’s just a warning, because it wasn’t the most populated area of Turkey.


150 aftershocks of a devastating earthquake, the second larger than the first, without the existence of an epicenter, the area being artificially stimulated, geological weapons having existed for a very long time, being used so far without causing too many casualties, probably for experiments. Now, it has been put into practice. If we look carefully at the map of Turkey, we will see that it is furrowed by gas and oil pipelines, this being actually one of the goals: their destruction. But, 10 seconds before the occurrence of the so-called earthquake, the Turks closed these pipelines. In addition, 24 hours before the earthquake, 10 countries withdrew their ambassadors from Turkey. 5 days before its occurrence, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel warning for Romanian citizens in Turkey, although there was no danger, as did other countries. By killing people, they served their interests. The maps shown on all the television channels show that there was no epicenter, but a line with thousands of earthquakes.


The Turkish secret services are investigating a possible criminal intervention”, (read an involvement of another state in triggering the first earthquake), what followed later being a chain reaction after the destabilization of the tectonic plates in the region.


It is very clear that President Erdogan was punished for his courage, dignity and honor and for his closeness to the Russian Federation, in fact a position of neutrality and mediation for peace. In addition, it is desired to divert people’s attention from Ukraine, where representatives of many countries have already begun to shout against the despotism and orders given by President Zelensky, as if he is ruling the world and someone is obliged to send weapons and participate in his war, in a war where he sacrificed his own people and destroyed his entire country. Anyone who speaks of peace is put on the pole of infamy and attacked from all sides. This is what happened in Romania when I started the unique initiative, Neutrality for Romania.


The peace from Bucharest.” They all rushed at me, although now, after one year of war, almost all of them say everything that I said and supported from the beginning, claiming now they are the owners of these ideas.


Plagiarists! Pharisees! Judas!

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.18332967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Filling Courts with Radical Judges Who Will Put Politics Before the Law


How can you tell that the Biden judges will be far-left radicals? Because of their history and the example Obama judges give us.


Barack Obama filled the courts with radical judges who ignore the law for political purposes. Under President Trump’s Administration, these judges came out of the woodwork in their attempts to stop his agenda.

A cursory review of recent posts at TGP shows the following related to Obama judges.


In New York, a case was brought against the leadership of the ‘We Build the Wall’ movement. The people behind the case hated the average Americans who built a wall on the southern border when the Democrats were trying to prevent President Trump from protecting the country, upholding the law, and having the government build a wall on the border. The communist gang took Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon, and others to court on BS charges. Then in one case, the Obama judge suppressed evidence that exonerated the plaintiff.


Obama judge Amy Totenberg in Georgia to this day won’t release the Halderman report requested by the court covering the Dominion voting machines used in the state. CISA released a report that indicated that these machines had serious flaws that bad actors could manipulate to steal elections. Judge Totenberg won’t allow Americans to see the Halderman report that the CISA report was in response to.


In DC Obama Judge Christopher Cooper wouldn’t recuse himself from Dr. Simone Gold’s case covering her actions on Jan 6. The courageous doctor was in the Capitol calling for Americans to address COVID. Her house was raided by a gang of FBI agents and she was arrested.


Despite Judge Cooper knowing doctor Gold and having been rebuked by the doctor when asking her out on a date when in school, he didn’t recuse himself from the case. He then proceeded to through the doctor in prison for speaking inside the Capitol on Jan 6.


In Michigan, Obama Judge Linda Parker ignored President Trump’s case on the integrity of the 2020 Election raised by attorney Sidney Powell. It’s not clear if she ever looked at it. Then Judge Judge Linda V. Parker threw the case out. There were over 100 legal affidavits from Michigan citizens alleging fraud in the 2020 election in Michigan.


Then after ignoring the evidence and the case and throwing it out, Judge Linda Parker charged Sidney Powell and eight other attorneys $175,000 for daring to bring the lawsuit in the first place.

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:35 a.m. No.18332984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3376 >>3404

Zelensky shares photo of Ukrainian soldier with Nazi insignia, again


The skull-head symbol was used by one of Adolf Hitler’s elite SS units


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has posted a photo of a soldier sporting a symbol used by a notorious German unit that killed civilians in World War II. It's not the first time Ukrainian soldiers and paramilitaries were photographed displaying insignia and tattoos associated with Nazism.


On Sunday, Zelensky posted several photos on his Instagram account, including an image of a Ukrainian soldier resting in a trench.


The black-and-white skull-head patch on the soldier’s left shoulder is similar to the ‘totenkopf’ (death’s head) insignia used by the 3rd SS Tank Division, an elite unit infamous for massacring civilians in France and the Eastern Front, including Polish Jews. The unit’s first commander, Theodor Eicke, had managed the Dachau concentration camp before the war.


“If we don’t stop the struggle, sooner or later a united and independent state will be restored. If true unity is not achieved, independence will be lost,” Zelensky, who is himself of Jewish origin, wrote in a post that accompanied the photos.


In May, Zelensky shared an image of another soldier with the skull-head patch, which was then deleted. In October, the Ukrainian president was photographed while he visited the frontline and was flanked by a security guard wearing the same patch.


Ukraine’s Azov Regiment is known for welcoming fighters with openly nationalist and neo-Nazi views. The regiment, which is part of the National Guard, uses the wolfsangel (wolf’s hook) – the rune also used by two SS units – as its official symbol. The Anti-Defamation League lists the totenkopf and the wolfsangel as hate symbols.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has said “denazification” is one of the reasons Moscow launched a military operation in Ukraine nearly a year ago. He also cited the need to protect the people of Donbass, as well as Kiev’s failure to implement the 2104-2015 Minsk peace accords.

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.18333034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3376 >>3404

Grooming Gangs Still Preying on Girls on a ‘Shocking Scale’, Says Detective Turned Whistleblower



Mostly Muslim child rape grooming gangs continue to prey on young girls throughout Britain a decade on after being exposed to the public, a documentary has claimed.


Through a combination of access to more advanced technology and continued police “neglect of duty”, mostly Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs are still operating on a “shocking scale” in the United Kingdom, according to former detective turned whistleblower Maggie Oliver, who appeared in the GB News documentary Grooming Gangs: Britain’s Shame.


A decade on from first being exposed to the public, Oliver warned that it was wrong to view the issue of grooming gangs only as a historical issue, saying: “This is going on today. We’ve been approached by 60 victims in the last three days who are currently being failed by the police.


“It is not a historical problem. Very little has changed. We have seen trials. But all too often these children are still being judged and fobbed off and that is not good enough.”


In one case highlighted by Oliver, who quit the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) in 2012 to become a whistleblower against the force and expose the Rochdale grooming gang scandal, a woman claims to have been a victim of abuse since the age of 13, yet despite handing over evidence to the police she was dismissed as a “prostitute”.


The grooming gang whistleblower’s charity, the Maggie Oliver Foundation, said that it is currently working on 50 active group child sexual exploitation cases and that over 400 potential grooming gang victims have come forward to the organisation over the past year, and that they had been let down by the British police.


In total, the foundation has said that it has given support to over 1,000 victims since 2020.


The foundation said that the tactics used by grooming gangs are becoming more violent and that modern technology has enabled them to cast surveillance operations over their victims, enhancing their ability to coerce and threaten young girls.


“Child sexual abuse and exploitation by ‘grooming gangs’ is a current problem. We see through our work at the Maggie Oliver Foundation that, if anything, these gangs are getting more sophisticated in their tactics and the problem more widespread,” Oliver said.


“Access to mobile phones and apps like Snapchat makes young girls so much more accessible to these criminals.


“It’s so important that the public are aware of this so they can spot the signs and we can keep the pressure on police and statutory services to take these crimes seriously and protect those at risk from these dangerous men.”


Oliver has previously said that there has been “institutional cowardice” within British police forces and courts, allowing the heinous gangs to continue operating under their noses, often due to politically correct fears.


In a glaring example, a report from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) in 2020 found that sexual abuse against children committed by members of “Asian” rape gangs — in British parlance “Asian” typically refers to people of South Asian rather than Far Eastern heritage — was overlooked for decades out of politically concerns among the police.


A police chief in Rotherham was alleged in the report to have told a father of a missing girl that the town would “erupt” if the public was made aware that “Asian” grooming gangs were abusing young white girls.


Another report commissioned by the Mayor of Greater Manchester went on to find that officers were told to place their focus on “other ethnicities” at the same time as a large gang of South Asian-heritage men were left free to exploit mostly young white girls.

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.18333053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3065 >>3376 >>3404

Two Tons of Meth Seized in Radish Shipment at California Border Crossing


U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than two tons of methamphetamine hidden in pallets of radishes at a California border crossing. It is the second time in two days that such a discovery was made at California border crossings from Mexico.


CBP officers assigned to the Calexico Port of Entry on January 31 encountered a tractor-trailer approaching for entry inspection from Mexico into California. The driver presented a manifest indicating a shipment of radishes, according to a statement released by CBP late last week.


The officer referred the driver of the tractor-trailer, a 24-year-old male from Mexico, to the secondary inspection station. Officers carried out a non-intrusive inspection after which a K-9 inspection was requested.


The K-9 alerted CBP officers to the possible presence of narcotics hidden in the pallets of radishes, the statement reports.


During a physical search of the trailer, CBP officers found 1,590 packages that tested positive for methamphetamine. The load of meth weighed 4,563 pounds, officers reported.


CBP officials seized the drugs worth an estimated $5,475,000 and turned the driver over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) for further disposition, the statement reports.


“Outstanding work by our CBP officers,” said Roque Caza, Port Director for Calexico Port of Entry. “These smuggling attempts are efforts to deceive and misguide us; however, our officers and law enforcement partners are always working together to improve the safety of our communities.”

This is the second such discovery in two days. On January 29, CBP officers assigned to the Otay Mesa Port of Entry encountered another tractor-trailer with a manifest for a shipment of radishes. Again, a non-intrusive inspection and K-9 search led to the discovery of what was described as a “large amount of narcotics hidden in the pallets of radishes.”


Officials did not disclose the type of narcotics or the actual weight of the drug seizure.


Again, the officers seized the drugs and the tractor-trailer. They turned the 24-year-old Mexican national to HSI for further investigation.


“Perseverance- that is the key principle for success,” said Rosa Hernandez, Otay Mesa Port Director. “Our CBP officers are the prime example of applying this practice because, as we all know, things are not always what they seem.”


Officials called the two drug shipments in a few days, “Strike one, strike two!”


During the first four months of Fiscal Year 23, CBP officers assigned to the San Digo Field Office seized more than 26,000 pounds of methamphetamine,3,900 pounds of cocaine, and 2,800 pounds of fentanyl.

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:50 a.m. No.18333088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3100 >>3155 >>3187 >>3376 >>3404

Video: UN chief calls for global internet censorship


The head of the United Nations, Secretary-General António Guterres, called for a global crackdown on what he called “mis- and disinformation on the internet” during a speech Monday.


“We will call for action from everyone with influence on the spread of mis- and disinformation on the internet – governments, regulators, policymakers, technology companies, the media, civil society,” Guterres said. “Stop the hate. Set up strong guardrails. Be accountable for language that causes harm.”


His comment came during a speech on 2023 priorities delivered to the U.N.’s main decision-making body, the General Assembly. The full transcript is available online.


READ MORE: World Economic Forum: UN chief urges ignoring voters


“We will also further strengthen our focus on how mis- and disinformation are impacting progress on global issues, including the climate crisis,” Guterres added.


Replying to a clip of the speech, Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who touted free speech ideals when he acquired the social media site last year, said, “The UN is more likely to cause, rather than prevent, disinformation.”


During the speech, Guterres also mentioned a “code of conduct for information integrity on digital platforms” that, according to a press release, is being developed by the U.N.’s Department of Global Communications.


That idea stems from Guterres’ 2021 report on the U.N.’s future goals, where he wrote that “a global code of conduct that promotes integrity in public information could be explored together with States, media outlets and regulatory bodies, facilitated by the United Nations.”


He wrote that amid rising concerns about trusting information, it is “time to understand, better regulate and manage our digital commons as a global public good.”


In the report, Guterres said other potential steps to bolster the spreading of reliable information include “support for public interest and independent media, regulation of social media, strengthening [freedom of information laws] and ensuring a prominent voice for science and expertise.”

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.18333124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli security minister unilaterally orders police to ready for ‘major offensive’ in occupied Jerusalem


As tensions continue to spike across the occupied territories, the Pentagon has announced that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is set to visit Tel Aviv and Ramallah soon


Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, on 10 February, ordered security forces to prepare for a significant offensive in occupied Jerusalem starting on Sunday “to root out terror nests… and reach the terrorists at their homes.”


The Jewish supremacist official called the operation he desired “Defensive Shield 2” — a reference to a major 2002 Israeli military campaign in the West Bank during the Second Intifada that left 497 Palestinians dead.


Approximately 7,000 Palestinians were detained during brutal raids across the West Bank.


In response to Ben Gvir’s unilateral order, a senior government official told Hebrew media: “decisions of such a scale are not made in statements by one minister or another on a sidewalk at the scene of an attack.”


The official said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will decide on any operation only after conferring with the security establishment and “after an orderly discussion in the cabinet.”


On Friday, two Israeli settlers were killed, and at least five others were wounded following a car-ramming operation at a bus stop in occupied East Jerusalem.


A six-year-old boy and a 20-year-old man were killed, and at least five others were wounded in the car-ramming terror attack at a bus stop near East Jerusalem’s Ramot neighborhood, police and medics said. One of those injured was a child in critical condition.


The Palestinian attacker, who was executed in his car, was from Jerusalem’s Issawiya.


As the situation across the occupied territories continues to deteriorate, the Pentagon announced on 11 February that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is set to visit Tel Aviv and Ramallah this month to continue efforts to ease tensions between the Palestinians and Israelis.


Austin will be the fourth senior US official to visit Israel in recent weeks.


Since the start of the year, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and CIA chief William Burns have all visited Israel.

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 11:03 a.m. No.18333194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3301

PayPal CEO Dan Schulman Announces Resignation Months After Controversial ‘Misinformation’ Policy


PayPal CEO Dan Schulman announced that he would retire from the financial services platform at the end of the year.


Schulman, who will continue to serve on the company’s board of directors, said that he wants to devote more time to his “passions outside the workplace.” He became the company’s chief executive in 2014 after a stint as enterprise growth president at American Express.


“I’m proud of what we have accomplished at PayPal and of the incredibly talented and committed people I work with every day,” he said in a statement. “Together, we have reimagined financial services and e-commerce, and worked to improve the financial health of our customers. PayPal makes a difference every day for its customers and communities and the company is positioned for a great future.”


The retirement comes months after PayPal, which has deplatformed multiple organizations and commentators for their political views, had unveiled an upcoming change to its acceptable use policy that would have banned the promotion of “misinformation,” as well as “hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.” Within one day of The Daily Wire reporting on the policy change, which would have imposed $2,500 penalties on users for each violation, PayPal claimed that the guidelines were published “in error.”


PayPal lost $6 billion in valuation during a subsequent stock market selloff as thousands of users canceled their accounts. An interview between Schulman and the World Economic Forum published months earlier showed that the executive’s approach to business had long involved moving the needle on social issues as well as earning profits.


“Trust extends well beyond whether you deliver an excellent product or service. Doing that is very necessary, but it’s not sufficient,” asserted Schulman, who currently serves on the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council and Board of Governors. “To be a company that embodies trust, your mission and values should make it clear that you stand for more than just maximizing profit. That you stand up for social issues that are important, and you do the right things to help create a better world.”


The World Economic Forum is a leading proponent of stakeholder capitalism, an approach to investing that encourages executives to consider the needs of employees, communities, and other parties in addition to shareholders, and the use of corporate power to advance political agendas in the global economy. “Saying that you have values and not acting on them is worse than not having any values,” Schulman continued. “That’s what causes employees to revolt, that’s how you sow distrust with customers or regulators.”


Among the many critics of the PayPal misinformation policy were David Sacks, the company’s former president, and Elon Musk, who co-founded one of the firms which would later become PayPal. Members of the Senate likewise requested more information about the retracted acceptable use policy in a letter sent to Schulman.


“Greater encroachment by large technology and financial companies into public speech will only exacerbate Americans’ increasing mistrust of such institutions,” the lawmakers wrote. “Policies that empower companies to punish individuals’ beliefs by acting as arbiters of fact in our ever-changing news and public debate environment represent poor business decisions. Instead, large technology and financial institutions should focus on serving the needs of their customers without bias.”

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.18333242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

from last Sept-Jonas Alexis–Putin: New World Order Worships Satan


"Putin's reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites…"


Putin has just reiterated his prevailing claim that the New World Order is Satanism: "Such a total denial of a human being, a rejection of faith and traditional values, suppression of freedom begins to look like a perverted religion, outright Satanism."

Anonymous ID: aa48c6 Feb. 12, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.18333253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3263

On Sep 11th 1997 a Distraught Ex Area 51 Employee Call Art Bells Show to tell him about a planned Depopulation Agenda before the Audio cuts out. The only time the show was cut off Air.