Anonymous ID: 4929c7 Feb. 12, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.18333607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3741 >>4231 >>4286


Chelsea Handler Bought House in Canada in Case Trump Won 2020: ‘No Chance I Could Suffer Another Four Years in This Country’


Comedian and frequent critic of President Donald Trump, Chelsea Handler, came clean in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter admitting she bought a house in Canada before the 2020 election because she was afraid Trump would win again.


She said she couldn’t ‘suffer through another four years in this country if that were to happen.’ Half of Hollywood promised to move after Trump won the first time but they were all talk and stuck around, unfortunately. Handler is the first star that we can find who actually put her money where her mouth was.


She said: “I went to Whistler for the first time for my 38th birthday with girlfriends, and I’ve been going there every year for Christmas with my family and for my birthday in February. Then I went to Switzerland and tore my ACL and had to get medi-vac’d off the mountain by a helicopter.


“When I went back to Whistler, my ski guide was like, “Oh wow, you’re really tender now. You used to be fearless and now you’re timid because of your injury.” It struck me. I thought, ‘No, no one’s ever going to call me timid again.” And that’s when I started getting serious about skiing.


“Five years ago I stayed in Whistler for two months — I just didn’t want to leave because the skiing was getting great and I was getting great at skiing.


“It’s been my goal for a really long time to be successful enough to pay somebody to teach me how to be an incredible skier, so once I started getting good, I couldn’t stop.


“I bought my house in Whistler on FaceTime before the 2020 election because I was so worried Donald Trump was going to win again, and there was no chance I could suffer through another four years in this country if that were to happen.

Anonymous ID: 4929c7 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:41 p.m. No.18334270   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Idk, but I’ll bet the ratings will go up for this year’s game. It would be interesting to get stats on how much impact the UFO hysteria had on viewership after the fact.

Anonymous ID: 4929c7 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:46 p.m. No.18334315   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You would be better off just lurking and posting here anonymously if you’re really who you claim to be and if you really do want to understand this place better. Btw, it is the greatest, albeit oddest too, place on the whole interwebs. The last true vestige of free speech and the Wild Wild West of the internet, even if the rumors that it’s run by the N Ess A are true.