Anonymous ID: 92e402 Feb. 12, 2023, 12:43 p.m. No.18333874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

12 Feb, 2023 19:56

German minister urges equal distribution of Ukrainian refugees

"It can’t remain this way," Nancy Faeser says of disparity in numbers taken in by various member states


Some EU nations should do more to relieve pressure from fellow member states that have taken in large numbers of Ukrainians fleeing the conflict with Russia, Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has said.


Better coordination between EU countries would be required if the escalation of the situation in Ukraine causes another wave of refugees, Faeser said in an interview with Bild am Sonntag newspaper on Sunday.


"Poland has so far taken in more than 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees – Spain 160,000. It can't remain this way," she stated.


Germany itself has accepted more than one million Ukrainians since the outbreak of the conflict almost a year ago. According to Faeser, eight in ten refugees who came to the country in 2022 were from Ukraine.


Figures released by the UN earlier this week suggested that some eight million Ukrainians became refugees due to the fighting, with at least 4.8 million of them applying for temporary registration in the EU.


Security sources told TASS news agency in late January that Russia had taken in more than 5.2 million refugees from Ukraine, including some 730,000 children, since the start of the conflict. Around 4,000 people from the country have been entering Russian territory on a daily basis, with 987 temporary housing facilities set up for them, the sources said.

Anonymous ID: 92e402 Feb. 12, 2023, 12:48 p.m. No.18333914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

12 Feb, 2023 14:05

Hungary slams EU push to arm Ukraine

Such policies “have generally caused damage to Europe,” the foreign minister says


The European Union’s calls to keep supporting Ukraine with arms shipments will only prolong the conflict with Russia, the Hungarian foreign minister said on Sunday.


Speaking to radio Kossuth, Peter Szijjarto commented on recent remarks by the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, who pushed for fighter jets and long-range weapons to be sent to Kiev. According to the minister, EU lawmakers’ decisions on Ukraine “have generally caused damage to Europe,” and further weapons deliveries will only worsen the hostilities.


He went on to blast the EU legislature, claiming that its “credibility is practically zero.”Szijjarto pointed to a recent graft scandal as proof that theEU parliament is “one of the most corrupt organizations in the world.”


He was referring to the recent arrest of the parliament’s former vice president, Eva Kaili, who has been charged with taking bribes from Qatar in exchange for illegally lobbying the interests of the Gulf state.


Szijjarto noted that in Western countries, war rhetoric sounds “incomparably louder than the rhetoric of peace,” while nations outside “the transatlantic bubble” tend to prefer peace to a deadly conflict.


The minister went on to question the West’s anti-Russia sanctions. He argued that they have failed to force Moscow to end the conflict, while Europe’s economy has “faced incredible difficulties,” and that “the tenth sanctions packagewill only be suitable for causing further damage to us Europeans, similar to the previous nine ones.”


Since the start of large-scale hostilities in Ukraine almost a year ago, Hungary, which is heavily dependent on Russian energy, has been critical of Western sanctions against Moscow. It has also refused to support Kiev with weapons, or allow arms transfers across its border with Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 92e402 Feb. 12, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.18333957   🗄️.is 🔗kun

12 Feb, 2023 05:03

Brazil wants Russian investment in energy sector – envoy

South America’s largest economy is aiming for more cooperation with Gazprom, according to its ambassador


Brazil is seeking investment in its energy sector from Russian gas major Gazprom, the country's ambassador to Russia, Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares, has revealed.


“We have a new legal framework for the Brazilian gas sector, we expect investments from Gazprom in Brazil so that we have a serious presence of a large Russian company,” he told RIA Novosti at the Prodexpo exhibition on Thursday.


According to Brazil's National Confederation of Industry, foreign investment in the country could reach about $29 billion by 2030 thanks to the new law.


Both BRICS member states, Brazil and Russia have been strengthening energy relations. Brazil said last year it was looking to buy as much Russian diesel as it could, calling Moscow a strategic partner and a “very reliable supplier.” The sides could significantly strengthen cooperation in the energy sector, especially in production and processing of oil and natural gas, as well as in the area of peaceful nuclear development.


Last year, during a telephone call with Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised the South American country a steady supply of fertilizers, which are crucial for Brazil’s vast agribusiness sector.

Anonymous ID: 92e402 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.18334144   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On today’s Sunday Special of Human Events Daily, Jack Posobiec is joined by the renowned Judge Andrew Napolitano to discuss the Ukraine Agenda. The two will break down the true agenda behind the Ukraine War, exploring the motivations and power players behind the conflict. They also discuss the motives behind Operation Nordstream, analyzing the international political and economic factors at play. The two will then turn their attention to the role of American media coverage in popularizing Putin in Russia, and the impact it has had on the perception of the Russian leader. Finally, Poso and Judge Napolitano will explore the impact of the petro-dollar on the Russia-Ukraine War, examining the financial and economic implications of this global conflict. Don’t miss this special breakdown of the ever-evolving conflict in Ukraine!**