Anonymous ID: ecc33a Feb. 12, 2023, 1:19 p.m. No.18334103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is proof of it. Any Hollywood production like Sam Smith


Satanic members, pedophiles, in conjunction with the cia, run and operate grooming rings in American public schools via therapists and promise of college/jobs. Then they use those child brides ‘adopted’ into the cult to count votes. Then they use those child brides to ‘vote’ in their fellow members, then they run drug/grooming/flesh markets all protected by shields


Did you know a sheriff is elected? Why is there such a thing as satanic sheriffs and not just constitutional sheriffs? Why would a satanic cult put so much effort into electing a satanic sheriff? To protect their criminality and perversions.


Want proof? This anon knows of one case in North Georgia involving a cia agent who is a city attorney/ on board of education and her sheriff pal who abused his position, like governors arrest warrants, to try and protect their ring