Anonymous ID: fe3789 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:05 p.m. No.18334019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4052

Congressman Reports Object Over Lake Huron “Decommissioned” (Update: More Sources Confirm Shootdown)


Michigan Congressman Jack Bergman (R) posted on Twitter, “I’ve been in contact with DOD regarding operations across the Great Lakes region today. The US military has decommissioned another “object” over Lake Huron. I appreciate the decisive action by our fighter pilots. The American people deserve far more answers than we have.”


Canada had recently closed airspace over Lake Huron. That followed an earlier incident Sunday where the U.S. closed and then reopened airspace over Lake Michigan.


Rep. Elise Slotkin (D-MI) previously tweeted, “Just got a call from @DeptofDefense — our military has an extremely close eye on the object above Lake Huron. We’ll know more about what this was in the coming days, but for now, be assured that all parties have been laser-focused on it from the moment it traversed our waters.”


FlightRadar24 image showed a U.S. plane tracking an object from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.


UPDATE: Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), “BREAKING: The U.S. military has shot down another unidentified flying object over Lake Huron. We need answers now.”

Anonymous ID: fe3789 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:06 p.m. No.18334024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4052

China prepares to shoot down UFO – state media


The unidentified aircraft was reportedly spotted off the coastal city of Rizhao, after the US shot down three similar objects


Chinese authorities are preparing to shoot down an “unidentified flying object” near the coastal city of Rizhao in the eastern province of Shandong, state media reported on Sunday. The encounter comes after US warplanes shot down three similar devices in a week, one of which originated in China.


The UFO was spotted by “local maritime authorities,” the Global Times newspaper reported, adding that the same authorities were making preparations to open fire on it. Fishermen working near the port city were sent messages advising them to “be safe.”


No further description of the aircraft was given, and it was not explained exactly how the authorities planned on bringing it down.


The UFO was discovered hours after a US F-22 fighter jet shot down an unidentified and unmanned object over Canadian airspace. Speaking to Fox News, US officials described the object as a “small metallic balloon with a tethered payload,” while other media reports described it as “cylindrical” in shape.


US forces shot down two other unidentified aircraft earlier in the week. One was taken down near Alaska, while the first was hit by a missile off the coast of South Carolina. The latter aircraft – described as a Chinese “surveillance balloon” – had made its way across the entire country from west to east before it was downed, allegedly gathering intelligence on “strategic sites” along the way, according to the Pentagon.


Beijing denied the accusations of espionage, insisting that the craft was a “civilian airship” that had veered off course. China’s foreign ministry has since condemned US politicians and media outlets for using the incident to “attack and smear China,” while the Biden administration has imposed sanctions on six firms it accused of aiding Beijing’s “aerospace programs.”

Anonymous ID: fe3789 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:16 p.m. No.18334081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interesting timing…………clients list incoming…


Ghislaine Maxwell makes dramatic claims about Jeffrey Epstein in new 60 Minutes interview


Convicted Ghislaine Maxwell has attempted to distance herself from billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein in an explosive new interview.


Ghislaine Maxwell has attempted to distance herself from billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his heinous behaviour in an explosive new interview.


Maxwell, a socialite and longtime companion of Epstein was last year convicted of sex crimes against underage girls and sentenced to 20 years behind bars.


But in a chilling new interview with 60 Minutes from her Florida prison cell, Maxwell said she’s not the person so many people and victims have labelled her.


“I’m (not) the cruellest, meanest, horriblest person who’s done, committed crimes. And I mean I literally haven’t seen any details that are accurate,” she said.


In fact, one of Maxwell’s brothers, Ian, said the family believe she has done nothing wrong.


“My sister is no monster. We believe in her innocence and that she’ll be exonerated in the end,” he said.


Of her long documented association with Epstein, Maxwell says while she isn’t a victim, the two aren’t on the same level of responsibility.


“Well obviously I wish I had never met him I didn’t know that he was so awful. I mean


obviously now, looking back with hindsight of course,” she said.


“Clearly the fact that I worked for him and that I spent time with him and knew him has devastated my life and hurt many people that I love and hold dear that are around me.”


She also shifted responsibility for impacted women’s trauma to police authorities who were on duty at the time of his death.


“I say that Epstein died and they should take their disappointment and upset out on the


authorities that allowed that to happen,” she said.


“I hope that they have some closure by the judicial process that took place. And I wish them time to heal and to be able to have a productive and good life going forward and that’s what I hope for them.”


Maxwell was found guilty of five sex trafficking-related counts by a U.S. court in late 2021 but her family have said they’re attempting to appeal the charges.


Epstein died in a New York prison cell in 2019 after an apparent suicide.


He had served a 13-month prison sentence for sex charges 11 years before and was arrested in 2019 for the suspected sex trafficking of dozens of minors in New York and Florida.

Anonymous ID: fe3789 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:20 p.m. No.18334112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel is on "the verge of an explosion" — President Herzog

Anonymous ID: fe3789 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:23 p.m. No.18334139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4305

Bill Gates: AI Can Help Solve ‘Digital Misinformation’ Problem


Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates said AI should be considered as a tool to combat “digital misinformation” and “political polarization” in an interview published on Thursday with Handelsblatt, a German news media outlet.


In response to a question about the spreading of “misinformation” via AI, Gates referred to the events of January 6, 2021, as an “attack on the Capitol. He said:


I’m certainly concerned about political polarization, and I know the U.S. situation best of all. I wouldn’t have expected people to attack the Capitol, or people to deny the validity of election results. I‘m in a state of shock about that.


We can’t blame AI for that. That happened. Itmay have been magnified by digital channels that allow various conspiracy theories like QAnon or whatever to be blasted out by people who wanted to believe those things. So, the digital tools may have played an auxiliary role.


Gates added, “You’ll have to take AI into consideration” to “solve the digital misinformation [problem].” He described “political polarization” as another social ill that could be partially remedied via the use of AI to reduce “confirmation bias.”


Gates framed “climate change” as an existential threat to humanity while calling for government measures to force reductions and eventual elimination of fossil fuel consumption and associated carbon dioxide emissions.


“It’s not optional to have a solution for climate,” he held, adding that carbon dioxide emissions must be brought “to zero” via “clean energy” and “green energy” substitutes.


Development of reliable and affordable energy is in harmony with governmental pursuits of eliminating fossil fuels and development of “green infrastructure,” Gates claimed.


He concluded by speculating that the Russia-Ukraine war could “energize the recognition” of the supposed need to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions via oil and gas consumption.


“It’s now seen that in the 10- to 20-year-time frame that the goals of climate and the goals of energy security align, he stated, “to say that investment in green infrastructure is even more of a priority than it was before the war.”


BG calls us out!