Anonymous ID: 0d5ea8 Feb. 12, 2023, 1:50 p.m. No.18334341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden admin met with woke group that funded fake study linking gas stoves to asthma


"Despite calling stories about the Biden administration banning gas stoves 'ridiculous' and 'not true,' Secretary Granholm’s calendar tells a different story," said Sutherland.


It has been revealed that Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm met privately with the leader of the group that funded a recent study used to justify calls for bans of gas-powered stoves despite the Biden administration claiming that they weren't seeking such a ban.


According to an internal agency calendar obtained by the government watchdog group Americans for Public Trust, Granholm met with the CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) Jules Kortenhorst, Fox News reports.


Climate activist Kortenhorst also chairs the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Net Zero Transition and founded the Energy Transitions Commission.


While the calendar didn’t include an agenda for the meeting, it was held over Zoom and lasted around one hour.


APT executive director Caitlin Sutherland told Fox News that Granholm’s calendar pokes holes in the Biden administration’s claims that a gas stove ban was "not true."


"Despite calling stories about the Biden administration banning gas stoves 'ridiculous' and 'not true,' Secretary Granholm’s calendar tells a different story," said Sutherland. "We’ve now learned that she consulted with the dark money group pushing to ban gas stoves."


"Suffice it to say, 'ridiculous' and 'not true' proposals don’t ordinarily involve a meeting with the Secretary of Energy — and where there's smoke, there's fire," Sutherland added. "Americans everywhere must demand Granholm and green energy extremists stay out of their kitchens."


The RMI describes itself as being an "independent, non-partisan, nonprofit organization of experts across disciplines working to accelerate the clean energy transition and improve lives."


"RMI decarbonizes energy systems through rapid, market-based change in the world’s most critical geographies to align with a 1.5°C future and address the climate crisis. We work with businesses, policymakers, communities and other organizations to identify and scale energy system interventions that will cut greenhouse gas emissions at least 50% by 2030," the RMI’s website states.


RMI funded a study, which was written by RMI researchers Talor Gruenwald and Brady Seals, earlier that made headlines earlier this year, which highlighted public health dangers posed by the use of gas stoves in homes. The study linked the usage of gas stoves to childhood asthma, one of the claims used to push the ban on gas stoves.


US Consumer Product Safety Commission Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr told Bloomberg at the time that "this is a hidden hazard" and "Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned."


Days after the study went viral, US Consumer Product Safety Commission Chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric issued a statement saying that while the research indicated potential hazards gas stoves pose, "I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so."


Granholm boosted the study on Twitter, writing on January 4, "We can and must FIX this. Through [President Biden's] Inflation Reduction Act, Americans will have greater access to Electric and Induction Cooktops: keeps pollution out of the home. Cooks food faster. Helps families save money."

Anonymous ID: 0d5ea8 Feb. 12, 2023, 2 p.m. No.18334412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China spots mystery object over waters near northern port city


Authorities say they will prepare to be able to shoot down the unidentified vessel

Fishing boats told to be on alert and ‘avoid risks’, report says


An unidentified flying object was detected over waters near a northern Chinese port city close to the Bohai Sea, with local authorities saying they were ready to shoot it down, mainland media reported on Sunday.

The Qingdao Marine Development Bureau sent a message to fishing boats that an unidentified flying object was detected in waters near Rizhao and authorities were preparing to be able to shoot it down, Shanghai-based news outlet The Paper reported on Sunday.

Fishing boats were ordered to be on alert and “avoid risks”, the report said, without saying when the message was sent or when the object was sighted.

“If debris falls around your boat, please help take pictures as evidence. If conditions allow, please help salvage it,” the message said.

The bureau confirmed to The Paper that it had issued a security alert to nearby fishing boats but did not have an update on what the object was.

The sighting comes as the People’s Liberation Army holds a week-long military exercise in the Bohai Strait, an area connecting the Bohai Sea and the northern part of the Yellow Sea.

The exercises started on Sunday, according to a notice issued by the maritime safety authorities in Dalian, a port city in the northern province of Liaoning.


Beijing denied it was a surveillance airship, saying it was used to monitor the weather and had entered the US airspace by accident. It also accused Washington of overreacting by shooting down the balloon.

The saga heightened diplomatic tensions between the two countries, prompting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to cancel a trip to China that had been expected to help “build a floor” in the relationship to manage conflicts and ease tensions.

The incident also prompted speculation in the US about Chinese espionage.

The White House said the downed Chinese balloon was part of a multi-country surveillance programme Beijing had developed over several years.

A senior US State Department official said the manufacturer of the balloon had “a direct relationship with China’s military and is an approved vendor for the army”.

Anonymous ID: 0d5ea8 Feb. 12, 2023, 2:17 p.m. No.18334510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4582 >>4870 >>4991 >>5038

Now Canada Closes Airspace Over Lake Huron Due to “Active Air Defense Operation”; Rep. Elissa Slotkin: Pentagon Confirms Tracking Object


Things are getting sporty over the Greta Lakes this Sunday. First it was the FAA closing airspace over Lake Michigan while military planes conducted a patrol, now Canada has closed airspace over Lake Huron due to an “active air defense operation” somewhere over Tobermory, Ontario.


On Saturday, Canadian Prime Minister ordered a NORAD shootdown by a U.S. F-22 of a high altitude object over the Yukon. Later Saturday the U.S. shut down airspace over Montana for an object that was not found by patrolling aircraft. The U.S. shot down an object over Alaska on Friday and shot down a China spy balloon a week ago Saturday off the coast of South Carolina. Earlier Sunday the U.S. shut down airspace over Lake Michigan for a short while but so far no reports on whether any object was found.


Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), “Just got a call from @DeptofDefense — our military has an extremely close eye on the object above Lake Huron. We’ll know more about what this was in the coming days, but for now, be assured that all parties have been laser-focused on it from the moment it traversed our waters.”

Anonymous ID: 0d5ea8 Feb. 12, 2023, 2:25 p.m. No.18334540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4582 >>4870 >>4991 >>5038

China announces visit of Iranian president


Ebrahim Raisi is coming to Beijing at the invitation of Xi Jinping, the Chinese Foreign Ministry says


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is going to make an official visit to China next week, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has said.


Raisi’s planned visit will take place between February 14 and 16 and is at the invitation of Chinese leader Xi Jinping, the ministry announced in a statement on Sunday.


The three-day trip will, among other elements, include talks between Raisi and Xi, a joint meeting of the leaders with Iranian and Chinese businessmen, and the signing of cooperation documents between the delegations of the two countries, according to Iran’s state-run news agency IRNA.


Also reporting on the upcoming visit, US outlet Politico said that it’s "expected to deepen ties between the two political and economic partners that are opposed to the US-led Western domination of international affairs."


Xi and Raisi last met during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit last September in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. During those talks, the Chinese leader insisted that consolidating their strategic partnership was a common choice for both Beijing and Tehran.


In December, Chinese Vice President Hu Chunhua visited Iran and met with Raisi, with both sides expressing eagerness to boost bilateral ties further.


China is Iran’s largest trading partner and the main buyer of its oil amid US sanctions on Tehran. According to Iranian data, its exports to China reached $12.6 billion in the last ten months. The country also bought $12.7 billion worth of Chinese goods during the period.


Last year, Iran was formally included into the SCO as a permanent member and also applied to join BRICS – the two international organizations in which China and Russia play a major role.

Anonymous ID: 0d5ea8 Feb. 12, 2023, 2:37 p.m. No.18334596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4815

Israel security cabinet approves legalization of nine new settlements


The ministers took that step, despite clear objections from the United States, in the aftermath of Jerusalem’s terror attack at a bus stop


In an exceptionally rare move, the security cabinet approved the authorization of nine independent settlements based on communities that had been illegal outposts.


The ministers took that step, despite clear objections from the United States to such actions, in the aftermath of Jerusalem’s terror attack at a bus stop on Friday that claimed three lives, including two children.


The nine new settlements will be formed from the following outposts: Avigayil, Beit Hogla, Givat Harel, Givat Ha-Roeh, Givat Arnon, Mitzpe Yehuda, Malchai HaShalom, Asa-el, Sde Boaz and Shaharit.


Both Finance Minister and head of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir took responsibility for the authorizations, which they had pushed.


“The Israeli government is sending a clear message today to all our enemies: in the face of your attempts to harm us and weaken our hold on our land, we are deepening our roots, building and establishing settlements. Terrorism will not weaken us. On the contrary, whenever it tries to harm us, it will be answered with further construction and development in all parts of our country."


“We made a commitment before the elections, today we begin to fulfill it,” he said.

Security increased in Jerusalem following terror attacks


With respect to steps needed to halt terror activity, police and security forces were increased in Jerusalem as was the operational activity of the police against instigators and supporters of terrorism.


Security forces will act in a targeted manner against the perpetrators of terrorism, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said as he emphasized that there will be no collective punishment.

Anonymous ID: 0d5ea8 Feb. 12, 2023, 3:02 p.m. No.18334762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4870 >>4991 >>5038

Northern Territory government sued over claims of sexual and physical abuse at Don Dale Youth Detention Centre


It was a minor property offence that led to his first stint inside Don Dale.


WARNING: This story contains details of alleged sexual abuse.


It was a minor property offence that led to his first stint inside Don Dale.


WARNING: This story contains details of alleged sexual abuse.

Key points:


A former Don Dale detainee is suing the Northern Territory government over claims of sexual abuse by staff

Nine other ex-detainees have come forward with similar allegations, a law firm says

The Northern Territory government says its highest priority is the safety of children in its care


But within three years, the Indigenous teenager had been in and out a dozen times and endured what he alleges was a "regime" where staff were able to sexually assault him with impunity.


"I feel violated and uncomfortable as a result of the abuse," the former detainee, who asked to remain anonymous, said in a signed affidavit.


Now aged in his 30s, he is suing the Northern Territory government, accusing it of failing to prevent "foreseeable risks of harm" during his time at Darwin's youth prison between 2004 and 2007.


In a statement of claim filed in the Northern Territory Supreme Court, he alleges the abuse was perpetrated by three separate individuals — a youth justice officer, a social worker and medical officer.


"I trusted my abusers as people of authority," he said.


"I [now] have difficulty trusting others.


His lawyer, Heather Kerley from Maurice Blackburn, told the ABC the government had breached its duty of care and left her client psychologically damaged.


"What this case shows is that there wasn't [just] one opportunistic moment for one perpetrator of abuse," she alleged.


"There was systemic abuse against him on repeated occasions by multiple perpetrators in all different fields of the facility. That's a big problem."

Other detainees raise similar complaints


The man is not the only former detainee to come forward with historical allegations of sexual and physical abuse at Don Dale, as well as the Alice Springs youth detention centre.


Maurice Blackburn is currently representing nine former inmates who have raised complaints of a similar nature across a 23-year period between 1994 and 2017.


Those matters, which are yet to be lodged in the Supreme Court, include claims of sexual and/or physical abuse by both male and female staff, as well as by other detainees.


The allegations go further than the 2017 findings of the Royal Commission into youth detention in the Northern Territory, which said some detainees had been subjected to "inappropriate sexualised attention" from youth justice officers.


The latest claims emerging from the Northern Territory echo revelations by the ABC's 7.30, which last week reported that three youth justice workers at a Sydney facility had been convicted of historical sexual offences against detainees.