Anonymous ID: 5c8f65 Feb. 12, 2023, 2:42 p.m. No.18334626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4658 >>4674


this is not hard.

prove ayyylmaos.

protip: you can not

you assume they exist based upon what

you have been told of the size of your environment.

what you ackshiully KNOW would not fill a thimble.

sadly, you will never be able to face this reality

for too much of your self image is founded solely

upon your momma tole me i wuz smart belief in

your own intellect.

your supposed knowledge is composed of the lies of creatures smarter than you.

you have no knowledge of the reality that surrounds you.

a koolaid addled sheep is all you have ever been,

and so you shall die…
