Anonymous ID: 6e79e4 Feb. 12, 2023, 3:07 p.m. No.18334800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All the distraction out there and in here….to deflect attention away from the most important anti-war rally in history in D.C. next Sunday, Feb 19, at the Lincoln Memorial.


Not even a fukken post, let alone a notable, on the event which has them panicked like nothing before. An unprecedented coalition of the Left AND the Right joining together to fight against everything this place has stood for for 5+ years..,


You faggots are a great disappointment. Get out from behind your keyboards and SHOW THE WORLD in real life what it is we've been fighting for…


Join us at the Lincoln Memorial at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 19th, on the anniversary of the Ukraine War and President's Day Weekend, to Rage Against the War Machine! Veterans, speakers, rock musicians, comedians, and more. After the rally, we'll march to the White House and deliver our demands to Warmonger-in-Chief Joe Biden.




Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine


Negotiate Peace


Stop the War Inflation


Disband NATO


Global Nuclear De-Escalation


Slash the Pentagon Budget


Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State


Abolish War and Empire


Restore Civil Liberties


Free Julian Assange