Anonymous ID: 9da57d Feb. 12, 2023, 3:33 p.m. No.18334995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5023



This makes no sense from China's perspective. They are going to test our radar net…. for what? To fly balloons over here as part of some major offensive? To fly non-existent strategic bombers over here to… attack what?

And for what purpose?

China wants us out of the south china sea, not galvanized to end their nation.


I'm not saying it's impossible - but it makes little sense from their own standpoint unless they are just trolling us.

Further, there are other nations getting in on this "shooting down objects" thing.


It's a third party actor. Not necessarily ayys. Could be space nazis trying to save their doomed LZ in Ukraine. Could be MIB telling everyone to get their shit together.

Could be a yacht club with a balloon hobby.