Anonymous ID: f4ef58 Feb. 12, 2023, 2:57 p.m. No.18334736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4866

>>18333303 pb

Turkey has their own illegal migration problems as they are the gateway into Europe and Scandinavia. Tons of sandniggers come in illegally and bomb the shit out of the place as they pass through into EU. Turkey is the pinnacle of Islam, because White people figure out the proper way to do everything. Original Turks (Ottomans) looked like pic related, or Mongolian-ish. Odd combination but that was the original pact they made with each other somehow to forge the initial Empire.


Anyways so long story short those shitty contractors are sandnigger monopoly men looking motherfuckers that hire a lot of sandnigger children for labor. The Syria-niggers are super rape-y as you'd expect. They call themselves Turks but it's stolen Valor.