>why did they explode the VC, and why the roiling dark clouds?
comms talk spitballing, a go signal, in combination with unfettered access to our skies?:
Viet Cong - armed communists circa Vietnam
North Vietnam established the Viet Cong on December 20, 1960, at Tân Lập village in Tây Ninh Province to foment insurgency in the South. Many of the Viet Cong's core members were volunteer "regroupees", southern Viet Minh who had resettled in the North after the Geneva Accord (1954). Hanoi gave the regroupees military training and sent them back to the South along the Ho Chi Minh trail in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The Viet Cong called for the unification of Vietnam and the overthrow of the American backed South Vietnamese government. The Viet Cong's best-known action was the Tet Offensive, an assault on more than 100 South Vietnamese urban centers in 1968, including an attack on the U.S. embassy in Saigon. The offensive riveted the attention of the world's media for weeks, but also overextended the Viet Cong. Later communist offensives were conducted predominantly by the North Vietnamese. The organization officially merged with the Fatherland Front of Vietnam on February 4, 1977, after North and South Vietnam were officially unified under a communist government.
Ishtar (Assyro-Babylonian)
Ashtoreth - Hebrews
Astarte - Canaanites
Ishtar, (Akkadian), Sumerian Inanna, in Mesopotamian religion, is the goddess of war and sexual love. Ishtar was linked with the storehouse and thus personified as the goddess of dates, wool, meat, and grain. She was also the goddess of rain and thunderstorms and with An, the sky god. And she was the bride of the god Dumuzi-Amaushumgalana, who represented the growth and fecundity of the date palm. She was known as young, beautiful, and impulsive—never as helpmate or mother.
Different names for Ishtar
She was basically the same deity though worshiped under many names and in many features, such as the earth-mother, the virgin-mother, and is identified in a general sense with Atargatis, the “Great Mother” of Asia Minor, Artemis (Diana) of Ephesus, Venus, and others. Different names allocated to the virgin-mother goddess possess an element meaning “lady,” or “mistress,” as Nana, Innini, Irnini, Beltis.
Some of the names were Belti, “my lady” (the exact equal of the Italian Madonna), Belit-ni, “our lady,” and “queen of heaven,” the name under which Ishtar was worshiped as morning or evening star, with an offering of baked cakes, wine, and incense. Ishtar was also known as the compassionate mother who mediates with the gods for those who revere her. Some of these names and titles are today applied to the virgin Mary.
Astral deity
The Akkadian Ishtar is also, to a greater extent, an astral deity, associated with the planet Venus. With Shamash, the sun god, and Sin, the moon god, she forms a secondary astral triad. In this manifestation, her symbol is a star with 6, 8, or 16 rays within a circle. Inanna is sometimes the daughter of the sky god and sometimes his wife; in other myths she is the daughter of Nanna, god of the moon, or of the wind god, Enlil. In later myth, she was known as Queen of the Universe, taking on the powers of An, Enlil, and Enki.
Prostitution goddess
She was the goddess of bodily love, and the protectress of prostitutes. Part of her cult worship involved temple prostitution. Her fame was universal in the ancient Middle East, and in many centers of worship. Tammuz was a deity variously designated as the brother or son, husband or lover, of the goddess Ishtar.
Ishtar in the Bible
The Assyro-Babylonian Ishtar, the mother goddess, was the equal of the deity known to the Hebrews as Ashtoreth and to the Canaanites as Astarte, whose figurines are found in Palestine. This goddess of fertility, of maternity, of sexual love, and of war was worshiped in very immoral ceremonies. Insomuch as there were wicked rituals associated with this worship, it aroused God’s indignation, especially since it appears to have been a notable part of the idolatry then practiced. God’s prophets publicly denounced it and called the house of Israel to repent of its corrupt practices (Jeremiah 7:18; Jeremiah 44:25; Ezekiel 8:14).
God’s second commandment against idolatry states: “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments” (Exodus 20:3,4).
The war was hotter back then than I suspected, so much was suppressed until it was impossible to suppress it. Crazy times fren, crazy times. I never once really thought the alien invasion psyop card would be played. I never saw Pelosi setting up the old man coming either. What interesting developments. The Commies are going hell bent for leather but the leadership won't say Commie out loud and deny Antifa is more than a thought. Thank the Good Lord above the country is being protected from those dastardly parents who protect their kids and of course, Catholics.
>Astonishing moment asteroid explodes over the Channel as it hurtles through Earth's atmosphere
Here's a good video of it
Planefags probably know this but now anon has evidence (sauce) that the callsigns do indeed have meaning.
Gen. Glen VanHerck, Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command, Holds an Off-Camera, On-The-Record Briefing on the High-Altitude Surveillance Balloon Recovery Efforts
Feb. 6, 2023
Gen. Glen VanHerck, Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command
STAFF: All right, thank you, sir. Let's go to Jeff Schogol Task & Purpose.
Q: Thank you. Can you say the F-22 that shot down the balloon, will it get a balloon decal to signify the victory?
GEN. VANHERCK: "Hey, Jeff, I'll ~~differ~~ *defer to the first fighter wing. I – I will say I'm really incredibly proud of everybody that took place in this. But the F-22 was remarkable. I'd remind everybody that the call sign of the first flight was Frank 01. The secondly flight of F-22s was Luke 01; a flight of two.
Frank, Luke; Medal of Honor winner, World War I for his activities that he conducted against observation balloons. So how fitting is it that Frank 01 took down this balloon in sovereign air space of the United States of America within our territorial waters."
this was not what anon was looking for, that's still lost
could look in the Marco Polo report. Think I'm going to speak with my pillow instead but sauced it should be, find it I will. Not naow..
The Jetstream will move everything east