Anonymous ID: 4c2cdf June 20, 2018, 1:35 p.m. No.1833864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3963 >>4002 >>4197 >>4239

Dear Q,


As you know, I'm so grateful to you guys for all that you're doing and I love you and President Trump so much. I love you so much that I'd marry you, if I could.


So in light of my upcoming marriage to you, Q, I need to practice my nagging and whining a bit, because I’m not very good at it. I figure that you might as well get used to my nagging and whining NOW, during our engagement, since I hear that most wives do that to their husbands after the wedding. I don't do it much at all, so I need to practice. Here goes:


Q, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy are all those treasonous bastards who break our laws to incite violence and crime (like Peter Fonda, Ashley Judd, Madonna, Rosie O'Donnell, and scores of others) still allowed to do this kind of crap without any legal consequence?


And dear Q, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy are Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other platforms still allowed to discriminate against conservative viewpoints while concomitantly jamming the left's criminal, lawless, vulgar, and shocking bullshit down our throats?


Also, Q, whennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn will we please start to see law and order restored, and see these assholes face some consequences for their crimes?


I've been offline a lot today so I just learned about the new threat against little Barron, and I'm upset, to say the least. I am shocked and upset that these asshole libtard domestic enemies are still living their lives as if all of their criminality is perfectly acceptable.


I'm not scared, Q, but I’m anxious, frustrated, nervous, tense, and angry that all of this is going on, unchecked. I'm so upset because if conservatives were doing this under Hussein, they'd all be in jail undergoing cavity searches by now.


Q, I'm leveling with you, here, because I want our marriage to last. I don't want us to spend all this money on our wedding and our honeymoon, only to end up as merely a divorce statistic some day. I also don’t want us to start off our marriage with me in a snit, because I'm a lot more fun when things are running smoothly.


So Q, can we pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease do something to restore some justice in the world and some peace and calmness in my life? Trust me, it'll be worth the effort. Other than this little problem, you’re going to love being married to me. I'm in shape, I’m a great cook and a fancy baker, and I love to keep house, do yard work, and laugh. I'm also well-educated so I'll bring a lot of marital asset$ to the table, too, if you know what I mean.


The only drawback to marrying me right now is that I AM TICKED OFF at how unfair life is to us good guys right now. I'm upset at the scumbags in the public eye who getting away with everything that they're doing these days, so I'm kind of a pain in the neck to be around.


Q, think of how happy we'll all be once law and order is restored, and please do what you can so that I can breathe again. Trust me, it's the best thing for both of us. For all of us.


Thank you, darling.



Your devoted fiancé.


P.S. Please let me know if you want starch on the collars of those shirts that I’m ironing. . . . .

Anonymous ID: 4c2cdf June 20, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.1834171   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks, Anon, for getting me. I know I'm a little weird sometimes, but that's why we're all here. Your post on American Airlines's "Statement on Recent Reports of Separated Families" ties right into everything I was whining about.


I hate that [they] are allowed to controll the narrative, make up history, and mislead the public in ways like this. American Airlines has been profing off the "separated families" issue since the Clinton administration, for crying outu loud. Only NOW, out of spite for POTUS Trump, they pull a stunt like this?


I agree, we should all dig, dig, dig into the assholes who run American Airlines. And while we're calling them out over this, let's iding them for all the mis-routed pets and pet deaths that occur on their watch, too.


I'm really glad you posted this. The more we dig into those squawking the most loudly, the better.


On an unrelated note, I think I have to re-book Q's and my honeymoon, 'cause our reservationis were on AA. . . . .

Anonymous ID: 4c2cdf June 20, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.1834586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hear ya, Anon, and it's good to be reminded that the Clowns are the real "community organizers" around here. I never was on Facebook until I got accepted to law school. Then the school made a group for "admitted students" and we all had to join. I've been on it ever since and, I admit, I do enjoy seeing the children of my classmates and everyone's pets on there.


So I have a window to view what people are up to these days, and I was disgusted to see the number of women with law degrees and licenses jump on the buses for that P*ssy Hat Rally after President Trump was inaugurated. It was so disappointing to see women attorneys, supposedly smart people, clamoring to put those stupid pink hats on and ride on down to DC.


So I'm annoyed that the "organizing" and indoctrination is permeating every facet of society and our school system. These libtard lawyers care nothing about the rule of law, the Constitution, or even civility, in many cases. They treat me very respectfully, and I treat them respectfully, too.


But the tolerant left is tolerant of noone. The "organizing" has its desired effects. The education system's been hijacked by the communist pigs, and we are in jeopardy.